Welcome to the World of Swords - Chapter 1

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My best friend (f/n) and I were rewatching Sword Art Online at my house and as we were starting episode one, (f/n) turned to me with a huge grin on her face. "Hey (y/n), what would you do if you were somehow taken to SAO? Like if you got sucked into the anime somehow?" I had to think for a second on how I could answer before saying, "I don't know, maybe see if I can save Kirito from the walking brick Asuna, or even just try to help all those players who weren't fortunate enough to make it out of the game." As I answered her question, (f/n) just stares at me with a mischievous grin on her face as I mention my low-key distaste for Asuna.

"You're just pissy cause he eventually learns to like her unlike you," (f/n) says while messing up my hair, and I'm quick to respond, "Like you can't agree with me and my hate for that walking brick of a heroine or love-interest!" After my rather loud comeback, out of instinct I looked towards my bedroom door in case one of my sisters came yelling at us to shut up. When I turned back, (f/n) just gave me a weird look before laughing and calling me a 'weirdo'. We both turned our heads back to the screen expecting to see Kirito entering SAO but instead we were met with a white screen, neither of us noticing it glowing brighter every second unt il we tried to check if something had happened to the TV.

That was when the light had practically blinded us and for a moment it felt as if I were weightless before falling flat on my butt, my eyes still screwed shut from the previous flash of light. When I finally opened my eyes I wasn't met with the familiar surroundings of my bedroom, but instead met with a bustling town. People that seemed to resemble adventurers clad in armor with swords or other weapons at hand were all around me. When I turned to look behind me, I caught sight of another girl on the ground seemingly just as confused as me and when she saw me staring I recognised her instantly from the way her eyes seemed to light up. "...(f/n)?" "(y/n)... WHERE THE HELL ARE WE?!?!" (f/n) started freaking out, causing those around us to stare strangely at the two of us. As (f/n) continued to freak out I took hold of her hand and walked away from the slowly growing crowd of worried and curious people forming around us.

When we were able to get somewhere more private, I calmed (f/n) down before taking a good look at her, myself and our surroundings. "(f/n)... remember what you asked me earlier?," I asked her as she seemed to slowly get where I was going with our current situation, "You're kidding, right? There's no way... but...." As she trailed on, we both began to share a look of both wonder and shock, "WE'RE IN SAO!!!" we exclaimed in unison. At that we started running throughout the town we knew as the town of Beginnings, an accurate name if you think about it, all while laughing in pure excitement.

As we were running, I turned my head to see one of the many shops selling weapons and ran right into another person. We both were knocked over from the impact and as (f/n) caught up to me, she seemed to freeze when she caught a glimpse of who I ran into. I didn't notice as I apologized profusely, "I'm sooo sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I'm really sorry." The person only laughed softly as he got up before offering me a hand since I was still sitting on the ground. "It's ok, are you alright though? That was quite the fall," I took the guys hand without thinking for a second until I looked up and saw a familiar face realizing who it was I ran into. His black hair and eyes were all too recognizable even in his "cool" avatar form, and when he helped me up I caught sight of the notorious redhead standing behind him looking at (f/n) who seemed to be frozen in shock still. When I turned back to him I saw both guys staring, both seeming to have slightly flushed expressions. Being the shy person I am, I quickly turned to snap (f/n) out of her shocked state and while my back was turned I heard Klein whispering into the raven-ette's ears, "Dude those two are pretty cute, should we invite em' to level with us? I call dibs on the (f/h/c) one." I then heard footsteps before Kirito must have tugged Klein back before he could say or do anything weird.

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