caroline x aphrodite but like just caroline simping rights

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My phone buzzed with a simple r u up?  from Aphrodite.

My fingers were busy, typing furiously on my keyboard to finish a homework assignment I didn't care for. English was one of my worst subjects. My teacher gave us the weekend to write an essay about "passion". I struggled to figure out a topic and it was even more confusing to actually write about it.

I swiveled out of my chair and fell onto the floor. The change in elevation felt nice. It was cooler on the ground than in that sweaty seat.

Pulling my charger down, along came my phone. My fingers were still sore from writing about virtually nothing, yet I managed to send back a: noooo i am out of service for today :P

Aphrodite usually took a while to respond to texts, so I was surprised to receive a HAHAHAHAHA stop within seconds.

I didn't realize I was smiling before sending back: take a joke loser :PPPPP

Again, a moment later, I got an okay >:( anywayyyyyssss, do you want to come over?  from her.

I put my hand to my cheek, which was surprisingly warm, and replied: sure i was gonna surprise you anyways bc i'm bored lolol

Before I changed, I checked my temperature, just to be sure I wasn't coming down with some type of fever or whatever.

97.1°F. Normal. If anything, it was a bit low.

Despite contrary belief, 98.6°F is not normal body temperature. This standard was established by a German doctor in 1851, but recent studies show that the average body temperature sits at around only 97.9°F.

I don't usually spit out random bits of information, but facts beat writing line after line about how I "want" to become a microbiologist.

People say I should take after my mom, but I'd rather become a famous celebrity. I'd rather entertain people, but that's a common goal in 2019.

I grabbed a yellow shirt from my bed and some type of denim overalls. I then quickly twisted the ends of some of my curls and headed to the garage to get my bike.

"Mom, I'm going to Aphrodite's," I yelled out, hoping one of my siblings would hear and let her know if she asked.

I put on my helmet, before being stopped by my younger brother.

He tugged on my shirt and I quickly tucked it back in before some rowdy boy hollered something about looking like a slut. "Do you need something, Ren?"

"Caroline, could you buy me a chocolate bar?"

"Sure, whatever," I ruffled his hair and he gave me a pure look of joy back.

Kicking up the stand and riding away on my bike, I quickly forgot about my obligations. My essay would somehow write itself ten minutes before the deadline and I could get Ren a chocolate bar on my way back.

I liked to know that I had some type of solution to my problems. They may not be good solutions, but solutions nonetheless.

I rang the bell on my bike a few times before turning into Aphrodite's driveway. She was sitting on her porch.

Her laugh is something I look forward to hear.

I don't expect her to smile every time we hang out, yet she gave me a weary glance today -- one that caught me off guard.

"Okay, so what are we gonna do today?" I asked in an attempt to distract her from whatever she was so gloomy about.

I never liked to see her sad. If she was unhappy, I quickly grew accustomed to the same feeling.

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