100K IM CRYING- (also special oneshot pt1)

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Ok sorry about all that. But still, I'm so grateful and thankfull for u all. I'm LITERALLY abt to cry thank you so much for reading!!! I love you all so much!!

(and since I love you all so much here's a oneshot/clip of a taekook book idea I've had for like a year but never wrote it. also this doesn't count as a chapter so the one after this will be the "naughty one" lolol)


"Um hello, is this the principal's office?"

"Yes it is. I'm Mr. Johnson, the principle. What do you n-"

The principal halted his voice. He looked at the figure speaking. He was starstruck. The boy had beautiful features, he wondered how such an angel could walk into his office.

"Mr. Johnson?" The boy interrupted his one-way staring contest.

"Ah, yes? Sorry I was a little,.....sidetracked."

"H-hi I'm Taehyung Kim, the new long-term sub for Ms. Dooley's class. I was asking if you could maybe show me to the room? I don't mean to be a trouble or anything-"

"No, no-, of course! I- I'd love to show you to your class!"

They headed out into the hallway, not many students visible due to class already being in session. But the students who were in the hallway had the exact same reaction the principal had had. The boys bit their lip, the girls did the same or were jealous of his visuals. And he wasn't even wearing anything extravagant to show himself off; wearing a white oversized sweated and a short loose polka-dotted skirt with black flats. It seemed he just naturally attracted people with his aura.

You could tell he was genuine and sweet before even looking at him but you could also see something else....something mysterious in him. "You're in room 103." The principal of the large school said. He had talked to Taehyung with a nice, sweet, caring voice. But his body language said other wise. His legs were shaking visibly, his lip was bit; his teeth playing with the skin on his lip, his eyes glancing down farther and farther on the young substitutes body. Strong collar bones, small waist, wide hips, big ass, thick thighs, tiny feet; he'd been observing him too much.

Taehyung gave a sweet smile. Plump lips were added to the principles internal list. "Thank you so much, I truly appreciate it." He walked into the class once again getting much attention. The teacher already in the room greeted him with a warm smile. "And speaking of your long-term sub, here he is! Mr. Kim, I have all the notes prepared in separate files." Taehyung nodded. "And good luck, they're wild ones." The pregnant woman then left the room. Taehyung stood in front of the class.

He started to take attendance; looking at all the students and their name tags. It was a typical group. Consisted of: the normal kids, the kids who didn't care about school or their grades, that one kid who sleeps, then the...nerd? Taehyung halted his scanning and looked at one of the kids in the front row.
His name tag read: jeongguk ✴ here to steal ur academic spot and ur bitch
He had long wavy ravenette hair, parted down the middle. He had on a collared sweater vest with kaki pants. But, he sat back in his chair in an almost non-caring way. He had numerous tattoos anywhere where skin was shown (besides on his face), numerous ear piercings, and a horny; shit-eating grin.

Taehyung was confused by him. He dressed so proper yet he seemed sooo....not? What is he? A weird nerd, f-boi hybrid? Taehyung was all types of confused. Jeongguk noticed Taehyung observing him and winked at him while biting his lips. Taehyung sharply inhaled. He had then finished his attendance, also choosing to ignore that. "Hey everyone, I'm Mr.Kim. You can call me that or Monseir Kith."

"How bout' I call you undressable?" Jeongguk was leaned back in his desk, playing with his tattooed covered hands. Taehyung blushed, but stayed together. "I don't remember that being an option, so no." The class respected his taking up for himself, cause no one usually said much to Jeongguk's remarks.

"Fiesty....I dig it."

Taehyung ignored it once again and continued to his work.

Soon the class ended and he sat down in the teachers chair waiting for the next classes. Jeongguk walked out of the class, but looked at Taehyung mysteriously.

I've got my eye on you, Jeon. Taehyung thought.

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