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~Jihoon's POV~


"Ill go get something to eat or dink, ill be right back" Sunhi said and left me and her mother.

"You know that Sunhi's father left us right so I have to raise her by myself. Right?" Her mother spoke

"Yes, I do"

"Do you know why he left?"

"Not exactly, I don't want to ask Sunhi about her father, I dont want to hurt her with my words." I replied politely.

"He left when he knew Sunhi has a heart disease. I bet she didn't say that to you." I was shocked, I never knew about this.

"Her state is becoming worse and worse and I'm afraid that my worse nightmare will come" Her mother was on the bridge of crying. I hold her hand and tried comforting her.

"Please take care of her for me. And please dont tell her that y'know, she'll be heart broken." I smiled and said "Don't worry, she's in god hands, I promise".


"I heard you've been taking a lot of pictures of my pretty Sunhi!" Grandma said.

"Yes Grandma"

"You know about it right? And how she doesn't want anybody to know" She asked and I nodded.

"Take care of her, please. I want to see her before I go amd not the other way around." Grandma said.

"She's on good hands grandma" I said and smile.



"Her condition is critical and we have to do surgery but there's a possibility that she'll not make it." The doctor said.

"You mean is on 50 50" I said and he nodded.

"Do it! We have to save her it's the only way!" Grandma said

"Mom! She can die while having the surgery. We dont know if she can make it, I can't take the risk." Sunhi's mother said.

"We have to mom.." A weak voice said.

I ran to the bed and crouch beside her. I held her hands and said "Sunhi, your awake babe."

"Let's do the surgery, mom" She said, tears forming in ber eyes.


"Babe, you can back out if you want. Are you you want to do this." She nodded and let go of my hands.

She went inside the operating room and the green light above the door turned red.

I sat on one of the chairs, clasped my hand and pray to all the gods, buddha, anything. Praying she'll have a safe and smooth operation.

We waited and waited and waited. I'm not sure how long we were waiting but it feels like an eternity.

After a long wait, the red light turn green. Grandma, me and Sunhi's mother stand and wait for the doctor outside.

The doctor went outside, take off his mask and look at us with a straight face.

"I'm sorry, the operation didn't go as smoothly as we thought it would. Again we're sorry" He bowed and leave.

Suddenly the world stop. Tears started to escape my eyes, my throat is dry and I suddenly I have no will to move.

I sat back in one of the chairs and there I sobbed.

Is this it? Is it the end?

Smile for Me || Park Jihoon💎Where stories live. Discover now