Chapter 1

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Hello :) yay its 1st Chapter woohoo, anyways I hope you enjoy it....Picture of Tahaleena (Tah. Ha. Lee. Nah) on the side.

Tahaleena's P.O.V

"Say it!" I yell, while holding Jayleen down, "Say it" I repeat, she struggles while trying to get out of my grip. "Tahaleena and Jayleen, Alpha Mason would like to speak to you two, he said it was urgent" someone says making me growl in annoyance, my eyes snap to see Hunter my father's Beta's son.

As I was distracted Jayleen flips me over and pins me down, I glare at her only to cause her smirk to widen. "You cheated" I growled, "rule number two always pay attention" she smirks then climbs off of me, I rolled my eyes and got up. Hunter let's out a little laugh causing me to glare daggers at him, he held his hands up in surrender with a small grin. "Let's just go" I say walking out of the gym.

Jayleen and I walk up to my father's office doors, I give Jayleen a look and all she did was shrug in return, I let out a sharp sigh and open the doors. In side I see my father sitting at his desk and another man around my fathers age sitting in a chair on the opposite side. I slowly walk in and took a seat in another chair, Jayleen quickly follows after.

"Hello sweethearts" my father exclaims, "Hello dad" Jayleen says politely, I placed a tight smile on and bowed my head in respect. "Girls this is Alpha Grey of the Greenforest pack" my father troduces, "Spencer these are my daughters, Tahaleena and Jayleen"

We bow our heads, "it's an honor to meet you Alpha Grey" I smile, "Yes it really is" Jayleen says in agreement. The man let's out a throaty laugh making me frown in confusion. "Man, Mason your daughters are adorable, please call me Spencer" the ma- I mean Spencer says in amusement.

" Okay" Jayleen smiles, I simply nod my head, "Well girls, the reason I called you in here is because since Tahaleena is going to turn 18 in a couple of weeks I was going to retire from my position and give it to you," he says looking at me "but since Jayleen found her mate first I would also give it to her." My father says looking at me and Jayleen.

"Well then who's going to take over then?" I ask, my father holds his hand up silencing me. "Since you didn't find your mate yet I will give it to Jayleen, but since Jayleen is under age I will give it to you" my father says, making me and Jayleen to look at each other in confusion.

"What I'm saying Girls, is that you have to fight for the position" my dad finishes, "What! But I would never ki-" "No Jayleen, not fight as in Fight-Till-Death but as in Compete. I want you two to prove to me who can be a better Alpha" my father says cutting Jayleen off.

" Oh, well then...I don't mean to disrespect or anything but why are you here then Alp- Spencer?" I ask with curiosity, "Darling, I'm your dear uncle" he states with a warm smile. "How?" Jayleen asks, "I'm your mother's older brother" he simply states, come to think of it he did have the same eyes and hair as my mom, plus the nose.

"Oh" was all I said before the doors flew open. Beta James came in, my father glares at James, but before he can say anything Beta James beats him to it. "I apologize Alpha but we're under attack by rouges."


So that was the first chapter :) I hope you liked it. Comment what you think and Vote. I know I ended it at a cliff hanger but trust me I have a good reason to and plus its just first chapter :) Until next time my loves.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2015 ⏰

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