Ninja meets STB

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Ninja just finished his last stream for the night. He was thinking about watching something on Netflix before he went to bed (which is rare for an EPIC gamer). Suddenly, a suicidal teddy bear hugs Ninja (an EPIC fortnite gamer). The suicidal teddy bear told Ninja that his dreams could come true if he one thing for him. Ninja stood there in shock and awe. Ninja( the most EPIC fortnite gamer) was in shock and awe??!!! The suicidal teddy bear told Ninja (reminder: the most EPIC fortnite gamer EVER) that he could win 123324236567657854 fortnite kills if he just did this one thing for him. Ninja thought. Ninja looked down at the suicidal bear, 

"Will my parents love me?" Ninja asked the suicidal bear.

"No. Never. You're parents are simps and virgins." The suicidal bear answered back.

"Oh, ok. Understandable." 

Ninja sat back down in his EPIC gamer chair and used the methods of Big Brain Thought Train to think about this EPIC offer.

"Would all my haters be disintegrated? And would all the 19 yr olds die a very painful death from falling in the grand canyon?" Ninja asked the teddy bear, rubbing his temples in frustration.

The teddy bear responds.

"This gift you may receive is so powerful that anything you desire shall come beneath you and your greatness, my lord."

Ninja thought a bit more about this EPIC offer. It truly was an EPIC offer. Ninja could get unlimited kills and anything he wanted? Ninja...he was..shocked. Ninja has saw such greatness before..but this...could it be a scam? No. It couldn't be. But..what if...?

Ninja shook his head in disbelief of his thoughts. Ninja was going to take up this offer. No matter what, the most greatest fortnite gamer ever was going to be the most greatest gamer of ALL TIME. He knew what had to be done. He was going to say yes to this teddy bear. The walking and talking teddy bear that was also suicidal. Yes. He was going to agree with this teddy bear's offer. He was going to be not only the greatest fortnite gamer but also the greatest gamer of ALL TIME.

"Come back in three days." Ninja looked over to the suicidal teddy bear. "Then I will answer your question."

The suicidal teddy bear put his hand over his mouth. "Who's to say who haven't already decided?" The suicidal teddy bear giggled and then magically disappeared.

Ninja jumped up terrified of what just happened. He just noticed that he was TALKING to a magical teddy bear. TALKING. Was he imaging things? Was this a dream? A TEDDY BEAR! 

Then suddenly Ninja's wife, Jessica Goch, walked in to see a startled Ninja looking directly into Jessica's eyes.


well..that was it..the first chapter of meh new book...shoutout to Suicidal Teddy Bear#4464 on discord uwu owo..he helped with this..

n i n j a

also STB is supposed to be the suicidal teddy bear....

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2020 ⏰

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