7. Are Friends Delight or Pain?

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The very last thing you ever expected to happen during your time at the BAU was being blindfolded and tied to Spencer's bed.


But there you were, arms bound to the bars of his headboard and legs spread to each corner by the footboard with a nylon rope securing your limbs. Aside from the sleep mask that obscured your vision, you were entirely naked.. And Spencer, from what you could hear, was pacing around the room.

Or, more accurately, stalking around the room. Watching you, you presumed.

Seven minutes had passed since he left you there at his mercy, and with each passing second, you were growing more and more antsy.

When he told you that he "wanted to try something" on the phone that night, you had expected a conversation about it relatively soon, like the next day soon. But when you brought it up to him the next morning while you both stood by the coffee machine, he stuttered through an excuse about how it wasn't important, and that you didn't have to talk about it right then and there. So you just dropped the subject, and he didn't bring it up again until after the next case, which dealt with an unsub suffering from a schizophrenic break.

You weren't surprised when he stopped by your desk as you were gathering your things to go home. One look at him--at the weight pressing him down and at the haunted gleam swirling in his brown eyes--and you knew where your night was headed.

At that point, you hardly needed words. So you nodded at him, put your coat on and grabbed your bag, and walked out of the building with him. The two of you rode in your car to his apartment, the trip silent except for the one time you asked if he needed to talk.

He said, "Maybe later," and turned his gaze to his lap.

So you didn't press him, and when you got to his apartment, he methodically put his things away before turning to you. You had left your go bag and coat by the couch with the assumption that you would stay the night.

Then he began prattling off about the "research" he had done into domination and submission. A light blush was dusted over his cheeks as he spoke, dancing around the topic of what he actually wanted to try. You knew that Spencer used being dominant as a way to compensate for the lack of control he felt daily in his life (and you didn't need to be a profiler to figure that out; it was practically psych 101), so you could guess that him wanting to introduce something more intense into your dynamic meant that things were going poorly on his end.

And, as this arrangement was built on a mutual need for an escape from your day-to-day lives, you also knew that you would be down for almost anything he threw your way.

However, when the word "bondage" slipped past his lips, it definitely surprised you.

Your brows had raised when he finished talking, and after a beat of silence, you smiled and bit your bottom lip. "So you want to tie me up with some silk?" you asked, pitching your voice a little lower.

He shook his head and then crossed the room to his desk and took out four bundles of rope. "Actually, silk isn't the best fabric to use for beginners--at least, according to my sources--" You made a mental note to ask him about those sources later, purely out of curiosity "--Nylon was actually the recommendation I gathered. I hope that's okay."

You studied him. He seemed... twitchy. You just wanted to help him feel better.

And, to be honest, you were interested in trying this out with him.

So you strode towards him. His only movement was his grip tightening on the bundles in his hands. You reached up to intertwine your fingers behind his neck, arching your back into him. "Let's try it out," you'd said.

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