Internal Struggle

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My heartbeat quickened, and I could not hide my crooked smile as I saw the string of alphabets that progressively appeared on the screen.

In all honesty, I have never felt that much joy and excitement in my entire life. My cheeks started to burn as I repeatedly read the six words in incredulity.

The adrenaline that was pulsing through my veins gave me the false belief of nirvana. I was floating in heaven’s reign.

Mockingly, the cold hard truth of the situation struck me with so much force that it felt like I was jolted off a plane and plummeting through the skies at the speed of light, finally crashing into a large concrete boulder of reality.

Truth be told, I never thought I could feel two extreme emotions at once.  

I was torn.

Chapter 1

It was the weekend. I was lazing in bed whilst reading my favourite manga when I heard my chat message notification beep.

I jumped out of bed and scrambled to my computer. I clicked on the orange flashing tab that read ‘IcePrinc3ss’.

We met in a chat room a week ago and I chose to chat to her because of her interesting nickname. IcePrinc3ss, who knew that I would have enjoyed chatting to her?

I have always been a private person although I needed an outlet at times. Somehow, chatting to a random unknown person on the internet without revealing my identity was the perfect solution; or so it seemed.


I had just woken up from my afternoon nap and immediately switched on my computer.

I logged on and I saw that ‘Drag0nBz’ was online. We started chatting a week ago.

Despite the fact that we did not know each other’s names or identities, we hit it off the moment we had our first conversation.

We came to an agreement that we should just pour our hearts out to each other and keep the relationship simple by always keeping our identities secret; it was pretty much the only secret we had between us.

Half of me was curious about the person’s identity, while the other half was apprehensive as I did not want to ruin what we had.

As our conversations with each other grew deeper, so did my curiosity.

There was this alluring charm that Drag0nBz gave off, it was weird. Soon it became an incessant need to switch on my computer, just so I can engage in the kind of profound conversations we share.

Somehow, all that everyone around me does nowadays is to obsess and talk about some nine girl group, or to read some kind of cheesy fan fiction online. When will these people ever learn to read real books and have real conversations?

I truly wonder.

Chapter 2

As the lecturer wrapped up the last bit of today’s lesson, I turned to my close friend Tiffany while trying to stifle a yawn, “Tiff, I swear that was the LONGEST and most dreary lecture I’ve ever attended … ”

Tiffany returned a smile and whispered, “Jess, Not if you have an eye candy who is seated less than 2 metres away from you.”

With that, my tired eyes sparkled as I shot Tiffany a questioning look.

Before I could open my mouth, Tiffany grabbed her bag and dashed off with the obvious intent of avoiding the question that was about to follow her statement.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 06, 2012 ⏰

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