A.I. Dungeon, a deep and surprised moment with Natsu xD

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You go down stairs and get something to drink.
You walk down the stairs to the first floor
You walk down a hallway until you find the kitchen.

> You say "... I can't get attached to no one.. Natsu and Me will head back to Earth Land.. leaving them behind."
You quickly think about what to do. You can't just leave them behind, that would be so wrong.
You knew you couldn't get attached to any of them. You had to leave them, to get home. You couldn't take any of them with you, it was impossible.
You had to leave. But you also wanted to stay.
You grew to love it here.. you enjoyed it, and so did Natsu, he was having a blast hanging out with the 5 girls too. Hell he liked Hibari. The short girl had a nice touch that it seemed, he blushed when she gave him a gentle hug.
But that wasn't your decision to make.
You sigh as you sit against the kitchen wall, after getting a glass of water. You quickly drink it up, so you could go search for Natsu.
You were sure you saw him down in the basement.
You enter the basement, spotting your brother at the bench press.
You walk up to him, and give him a quick hug.

> You say "Natsu for once I am hesitant.."
Natsu looked up at you with a smile.
Natsu: "Why do you look so sad, bro?"
You: "We both wanna go back to Earth Land, to return to everyone. But.."
You look at Natsu.
You: "there's apart of me that wants to stay, and I know apart of you wants to as well"
Natsu: "I have thought about it. But I know I should stay, to help you. I am here to help you, brother. We can get through this."
You: "But what about the girls?"
Natsu: "What about them?"
You: "Aren't they important? You like Hibari, you blush at her touch and hug.. if we leave.. you'll leave her behind"
You lean against the wall, sitting down.
You: "But if we don't go back to Earth Land.. Lucy, Erza, Gray, Happy, Wendy... Everyone will be upset and sad.."
Natsu: "You've thought about it, thought about it a lot more than I have. You're more of an intellectual, you can think about things on a deeper level and rationally. That's why you're the leader. I can only think about the present and the future, and the past is irrelevant."
You: "I'm afraid, Natsu. I don't want to leave everyone behind. But I don't want us hurting anyone.. making them cry at our choice that we make.."
Natsu: "... I think I know a way."
You: "What? Tell me"
Natsu: "I'll go, and you stay. That way everyone will be happy. You can get through this, if you just focus on the here and now, and not the future.
You: "No. I won't you are my brother Natsu! I promised Igneel to watch over you."
Natsu: "No, you promised to help me and I'm depending on you! Only I can make the final choice"
You get up and grab your brother by the collar.
Natsu: "Do you really want to know why I chose this path? Do you? It's not something I like talking about, and I doubt you would understand"
You: "Try me"
Natsu: *Sigh* Very well.
Natsu sits up straight, and grabs your hand. He closes his eyes, and begins to speak in a low voice.
Natsu: "Do you remember how we used to play tag? It was always you it was me, and it was always me it was you. One day we were running from one end of the forest to another, and I noticed something. There was a carrot on the ground. A real, delicious, juicy carrot. I was so hungry at the time, I wanted to eat it so bad. I wanted to eat it so badly I could almost see it in my head. But I didn't. I stopped myself from taking a single bite and I ran straight for you. I didn't want to lose my brother. Now it was your turn, you could run, or you could fight. And what do you do? You fight. You tackle me, and we both end up getting covered in mud. Then you pull off my shoes. I don't even know why we were playing anyway. Everything was always the same, us being together, us fighting, it was just... normal. "
You: "Then something happened"
Natsu: "Yes, something happened. That day, we learned that people can be much more than just brothers and sisters. They can be friends. Friends help each other out, and they get you out of trouble. Friends share with each other, and friends aren't afraid to tell each other that they're doing something foolish. Best of all? You can have more than one friend. Friends are family. "
Natsu opens his eyes, and smiles at you.
Natsu: "So... will you stay? Will you stay with me, to make everything better?
You just stare at Natsu. This was one of those Natsu speaking from his heart moments, showing how despite being called an idiot, ash for brains or something that makes fun of his intelligence, Natsu had moments like this and it was.. awesome to see.
Looking into his eyes, you know you can't say no to him.
You: "I'll stay"
Natsu: "!"
Natsu gets up, smiling.
He was your brother after all, you both don't have anyone else. The guild wasn't here, yet despite all that Natsu always keep a positive outlook on it.
He would be happy if you join, that was a fact. You don't even think about it.
Natsu: "Thank you so much, thank you!"
You: "Like I said. I can't leave you alone, you are my brother."
Natsu: "Exactly, nobody else understands me."
Natsu grabs your hand, and hugs you happily.
Natsu: "I'm glad you're here with me."
You: "That's what brothers are for. We look out for each other."
Natsu: "I'm glad you said that, I was worried you wouldn't get it."
Natsu grabs your hand, and holds out his other hand. You notice there's something in it.
Natsu: "Look what I found, it's a ring. Do you like it?"
You look at where Natsu was pointing. It was a silver ring, with a blue gem in the middle.
You: "Yeah, you did mention you were gonna ask Lucy something before we got pulled to this world.."
Natsu: "Yeah!"
Natsu pulls your hand forward, dropping the ring in your open palm.
Natsu: "That's right! I remembered something important!"
You ruffle his spiky pink hair, with a smile.
You: "Natsu, Are you sure you wanna stay in this world? You'll leave Lucy behind"
Natsu: "I know I'm sure"
You: "Well then, I guess we better make sure it's the right choice. Later Natsu"
Natsu: "Yeah, later"

(Credits to the Artist who drew The Picture of Natsu also the AI generated a lot of Natsu)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2020 ⏰

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