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- Blue (He)

- Red (He)

- Cyan (He (Main character))

- Purple (She)

- Brown (He)

- White (He)

- Black (He)

- Green (He)

- Lime Green (She)

- Yellow (She)


People say space is amazing, but to be honest, it's a death trap. The biggest fear people have is the fear of the unknown. Up in space, we see a ship travelling to a destination. Inside are 10 people who are color coded. At first, it looks like a normal team, but in actuality, there is an impostor among them...

<<<Cyan's POV>>>

I was just sitting around in the cafeteria, talking to purple about things.

Purple: so how's your tasks been going?

Cyan: honestly, I was having a hard time with the admin card swipe.

Purple then nods her head in agreement indicating that she too has trouble with the damn thing. I was gonna ask her something when suddenly our tablets went off and teleported everyone around the emergency button in the cafeteria. I looked at everyone and saw that one of us was missing, Black was missing.

Cyan: hey, wheres Black?

I asked, wanting to know where he is. Blue looked at me and said the words that shook everyone.

Blue: Black is dead...

I looked at him in disbelief, the others were shocked to hear this.

Green: are you serious!?

White: yeah, I was with him when he found the body. I think it was one of you guys!

I shook myself out of my shocked state and tried to make sense of the situation.

Cyan: okay so, what are you trying to say then White?

I asked.

White: I'm saying that there is an impostor among us.

White explains. Everyone then looks at each other either by confusion or anger. The team was infiltrated by impostors, and they were making their move.

Yellow: okay, where was the body?

Blue: It was at O2, it looked like he was doing the wires and got Killed.

Cyan: hmm

I hum in thought, thinking about who would kill Black. I talked with Black sometimes and found out he was a very chill dude.

White: so where was everybody else?

Cyan: I was with purple here in cafeteria

Purple: Yep, I can confirm!

Lime: I was in reactor reactivating it.

Green: I was at navigation downloading files.

Brown: I was doing wires in storage Brown pipes up.

Yellow: me and red were at medbay scanning."

Red nods in agreement.

Cyan: okay, hearing everyone's alibis, seems like some of us had someone else with us."

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