I walked and I walked to the highest peek of the mountain. Each step I took was not easy. It was hot and my feet were exposed but my heart and soul knew I had to do this.
Along the way the sounds of the city noises started to fade. Then slowly the deeper I got into the mountain it became silent. The only sounds were of the birds chirping and the brush under my feet. The old sage at the bottom told me to understand myself I had to be by myself.
Sacred at first ,
but knowing I had no choice when I began my journey many years ago. This was the next phase of my evolution. I finally found my spot where I was going to stay and contemplate.
The silence was loud. So loud that it forced me to look within. I played a game with myself to become comfortable. I started singing " Ain't no Mountain High Enough" to myself.
Then I started to blend in with nature. I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds of the mountain then reintroduced myself to myself.
The funny thing was I scared myself. I stepped on a branch and it snapped and it hit me in the knee. I screamed so loud!!!!! Well I survived. I was hoping Thor would come save me but he was busy.
The silence and inner contemplation helped me to realize that I was strong, could live without electronics, and I got to know myself better.
Ten days had passed and My Sage came to get me. He said " Know You Get it" . I had a hot meal and shower and off to the next journey.Till We Meet Again!