Where it all began!

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So, it was a very normal afternoon then I received an email saying that I was just admitted into Riverdale with a freaking scholarship and I was like 'you've got to be kidding me' but it was real. I remembered that when I was trying to get into a new school I applied for Riverdale not ever thinking I was going to be enrolled like literally 2 months later. They said that they loved my painting skills because I had so many abstract paintings which they loved. I ran to my mum and broke the news to her. Tbh, she was completely speechless and I very much understood why. And now I thought it was the beginning of a new life and from there on I thought good things were gonna happen but I got it all wrong. It went downhill from here.

*First day of school*
The day finally came for me to literally reach my doom. As I walked down the hallway, people were literally staring at me like I was some disgusting garbage truck. I was so confused until I noticed that all the girls were wearing super cute dresses and what looked like expensive makeup while the boys were in leather jackets and comeback boots, I stared at my self and I was wearing blue jeans and a yellow sunflower shirt, not forgetting to mention my messy bun and quirky glasses🤮 Now I realized why everyone was staring.
I headed to the principal's office to get my schedule for the semester. On my way there I felt like literal sh*t. Anyways, after that I went about my school day ending with no friends.

*3 months later*
Now that you know all about my past, Hi I'm Jackie and one day I woke up feeling super confident so I finally decided to 'dress it up'. First of all I had a shower then I got my mum's curling iron and I curled my hair, did my makeup (which I hadn't done in years) and wore a super cute pinkish jumper on a black mini skirt and  a designer belt that I ordered like 3weeks ago because apparently they were in. Did I forget to mention, I still have no friends. I went downstairs got my breakfast and headed to school this time, I drove myself instead of my mum dropping me off. When I got into the parking lot, I was full of fear but I gave myself a pep talk about how things were going to go uphill from here. As I walked into the school hallway that day, the whole school stared.

To be Continued...


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