The Old Woman

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Be observant with the dates so you could understand and conclude.

Third Person•

Nayeon woke up with the chirping sounds of the birds outside her apartment, she was chill at first, not until she remembered what happened last night.

Nayeon immediately sat up from bed, and the last thing she remembered was she fainted in the living room. How on earth did she got in her bed.

"FUCK!" nayeon stood up and immediately ran out of her bed to see if she's alone or not

But, as nayeon roams her apartment to see who's she's with. She heard a footsteps getting near making her to turn around to see, and turn,turn,turn, until she found herself covering her ears.

There's no one walking but a loud foot steps can be heard.


"Myoui Mina"

She heard a deep voice again, causing her to get goosebumps. Nayeon wanted to cry as she thought she's being played, but no. She wasn't

"WHO THE FUCK IS MYOUI MINA?!" nayeon shouted and kept her hands cover her ears

She sat down on the floor and closed her eyes tightly, she doesn't wanna see the thing thats playing with her. But as she remains still on the floor, she remembered the box again.

Her head was lifted up and her eyes was opened widely, she immediately stood up and went to the living room. And there, she saw thr scattered letters she had read last night.

She sat down where she was last night and took all the letters to put it inside the box but then, a letter fell down and an interesting hand written words caught her eyes.

"Yours truly, Mina"

"mina? Myoui mina?" nayeon was puzzled not until she opened the envelope and saw another photo with a different person.

"mina? Myoui mina?" nayeon was puzzled not until she opened the envelope and saw another photo with a different person

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"wow, if this is coincidence kill me!" nayeon said in amazement

"wah, men in the past is something! Look how formal this man is!" nayeon said in disappointment, men nowadays disgusts her

Nayeon turned the photo around like what she did last night

"wait a minute, so myoui mina was the woman in the photograph last night? Fuck! Im a fan girl of her beauty!" nayeon said in achievement, finally she connected the dots "but who the fuck this hottie was?" nayeon wondered until she saw whats written at the back of the photo

"I never had the latest photo of you because i was too reserved to ask you or have one with you before, nevertheless, even if i don't have the latest one. I know i have you kyungwan, you'd always be around"

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