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The little bird sat on a wire
His feathers bright blue
And full of independence

His family sat down next to him
His confidence slowly fading
As they talked and joked
Their voices like nails

More families sat down
Playing all the time
No care in the world
They didn’t notice him

Then one day
Some birdies offered to let him play
He shook his head
Knowing they only asked
Because they felt sorry

He was lonely
He had no friends
Everyone ignored him
It was if he wasn’t there

One day he thought
“What if I left this mind numbing wire?”
He thought for a long time
He knew no one would miss him

One day he leapt
Off the wire
Everyone gasped
His family cried
As he left the wire

Now he flies free
Wherever he wants to go
No one can tell him
He cannot go

He flies free as a bird
Some say he flies
And he never stops to rest

Some say he died
Got eaten by a cat

But nobody really knows
What happened to the little birdie
To make him leave
And to where he goes

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