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My shoes knocked on the cobblestone creating a monotonous and tiring sound. I sighed as I faced the college in front of me and tighten the books harder against my chest. I don’t want to return, not after everything that happened this summer. I felt like staying home alone, focused on my memories with a bitter aftertaste and despair .

Here it goes. My name is Evelyn Malik and my father is one of the greatest entrepreneurs of the UK. Or at least he was, until last month. I discovered that he had business in the black market with the militias and the Mafia, which cost his life.

I have an older brother, Zayn , who had to flee from my father’s enemies because apparently he was part of that business too. I have no mother because she died I was still very young. Although I always felt her absence, I knew I could not complain because nothing was missing. I had a great dad, who although a little absent sometimes, always treated me well, always loved me and always made sure everything was alright with me. I had a brother who always protected me, even when we were in school together. I had a more than comfortable life. Had maids, chauffeurs, nannies, nothing was missing.

But now it seemed like everything was upside down and I was still trying to realize why is that. It was told me that I had to be as discreet as possible and thank God both of them had hidden their private lives from the enemies so that both, my brother’s wife and I, could be in safety.

My feet found the inside of the school and I looked around trying to find my friends on the benches in front of the main building, but no sign of them. I sighed, staring at the floor and I found myself feeling observed. My gaze rose wandering around to finally discover a pair of emerald eyes fixed on me.

I didn’t know why he was watching me like that, but it was scaring me, sending chills right down my spine. I wanted to cross the road in front of the school and ask him if he had no more places where to look, but at the same time wanted to run away and hide myself from that intense and overwhelming gaze. For a few seconds, I wondered if he was a new student who had little courage to enter the school, but soon undid this idea when I realized that he wasn’t wearing the uniform.

"Here she is" Niall 's voice sounded in my back and I jumped up in fright turning towards him . I smiled and hugged his body tightly. If there was something I felt was missing in recent times, were these strong hugs from my best friend. He laughed at my attitude and I felt his tight embrace around me.

" Geez, it seems like you don’t see each other for years! " Heard Amy making fun of us and I left Niall’s gentle arms to greet her. She was my best friend since childhood. We used to spend a lot of time in each other’s house, and we grew up together, just like Niall, Miriam and Liam. Luke was another story. He was Australian and I met him once when I used to spend vacations there with my cousin Calum. When we were 12 he moved here, so he’s father could finish some business, with mine.

Back to Amy, despite all this, we were very different people both psychologically and physically. She had red hair, light skin and hazel-green eyes. She also had freckles dotting her face and smoldering but short curls, giving her a wild air; while I had black, smooth and long hair, tan skin and gray-blue eyes. Inherited the dark part of my father because he is a Muslim, but my mother was blond with blue eyes so I think I got from both of them. My brother used to say I was born with diamonds in my eyes because they way they shine, I just thinks he’s nuts.

Psychologically Amy is crazier than me. Not that I was not a little, but I always took longer to show myself completely to new people. However, I was grumpiest and whenever there were problems I was always the first complaining. People always told me I had a bit my mother’s temper for certain things, such as stubbornness and pride. But I could also be very sweet with people I liked or with those who had never done me any harm, always thought of others before thinking of me. But still had a lot of difficulty to forgive people, unlike Amy who forgives everyone with the greatest of ease.

"I didn’t see him for a month, it's almost the same thing," I replied with an eye roll and she laughed at my expression.

With curiosity killing me, I turned back to peek outside the school looking for the guy with green eyes that watched me earlier. His image remained in my mind and I wanted to know if he was still staring at me so intensely. But I didn’t find his chocolate amount of curls nor his green eyes near the tree where I found him once. Without realizing it a sigh fell from my lips and the laughter of Niall and Amy scrapped, watching me worried.

It was always this way. Since the news of the death of my father everyone watched me with worried looks. I hated it because they had pity on me, but I could not condemn them, it was natural to worry after all the things I did when I got the news myself.

"It's okay " I soon answered their mental issues with a soft smile and they seemed a little more relaxed. "C’mon, let’s find the others" We started walking towards the classroom with me in the middle of them both.

During our walk, I felt confused and worried looks from some students . It seemed they were going to jump on me and make me an interrogation, or else they would put me in a pedestal and offer me everything I wanted. Although I felt some anger that made me wish I’d shout at them to stop, I knew that if I did something, probably they would take me like crazy. Maybe they already do.

" Liam flunked but he doesn’t have any classes with us , Miriam and Luke don’t have it either. I think we three have almost everything together.” The blonde revealed straightening his backpack on his shoulder. I looked at him stunned by the first statement . Liam was always the most responsible of all of us and was often the one who accompanied me in studies and in some activities, I couldn’t understand how he had let himself lose the year.

Well, he lost his father and the disappearance of his mother created a lot of trouble to him. I can’t condemn, I was worse than him after all.

Finally we reached the room where we would have the first class and headed for the back rows with three tables arranged. I was again in the middle of them and put the backpack over the desk, watching the other students enter with too much racket.

" Maybe we could do something tonight to say goodbye to holidays, what you think ? " Amy asked with a bright smile. I rolled my eyes leaning back in my chair and the guy just laughed shaking his head." Oh come on, don’t be such party poopers "She said making a pout and, before I could answer her, the teacher entered the room greeting the students with a sleepy smile . Looks like someone didn’t have a good night.

I looked at my best friend and I pondered in detail with her question. Perhaps distract myself a bit wouldn’t hurt, in fact it would be a good idea not to shut me again and not enclose me in my own world, once again, and let all those bad feelings and thoughts hunt me and make me fall again.

" Maybe it's a good idea going to watch a movie, or something " I gently suggested seeing the redheaded jump for joy . Niall finally accepted the idea and sent a message to the boys while I sent message to Miriam.

«Sure Princess, it will be fun! Xx » She responded immediately and I smiled satisfied, just afraid of I’d regret or have another break.


The class was going very slowly. It was the last class of the morning and the day. It was supposed to be only presentations but the teacher decided to review exercises. Niall was not part of our Math’s class because he choose Literature, so was just Amy and me.

I leaned against the window looking outside the building. I had a good view outside the school and consequently to the place where I had found those emerald eyes fixed on me . As much it cost me to admit, and even if they frightened me, they were quite beautiful as well as its carrier.

Why was he looking at me that way? Looked like he was watching me.

Quickly fear and terror seized my body to find the facts in my mind . What if he was one of my father’s enemies? Did he find me?

Is he here to kill me?

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