Chapter 1

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Everything was a blur. The scary lady slashing out in slow motion, her red eyes flaring in rage, and Cindy Mallark, my supposed best friend, shoving me in front of her to use me as her sheild. The lady's hand struck me and excruciating pain coursed through as her long, sharp nails dove in and sliced through my stomach with as much ease as a knife through butter.

Right before I was enveloped in darkness, I saw a breathtaking sight. The hottest man I had ever seen, was standing before my eyes, wearing a long black coat, holding a scythe and wearing a VERY sexy smile.

I woke up to a cold wind softly brushing my cheeks and found myself surrounded by darkness with tiny pinpricks of light here and there. I was...floating in space. More like moving in a parallel line. But wind? In space? What the hell was going on?

"Its not space," I heard a voice to my right say. I started. It was the same man I had seen before I blacked out.

"What?" I blurted.

"Its not space. Its the sky."

"Isn't that the same thing?" I replied, trying to be witty.

"No. Its not." I waited for him to elaborate, but after waiting for exactly 3 minutes, I asked him what was really on my mind.

"Are you single?"

He turned towards me and raised an eyebrow. Damn, he was hot.

"Excuse me?"

"Are you? Cause if you are, we'd have a pretty smooth thing, you and I. You're hot, I'm sexy and hot and beautiful, we'd make people stare, the two of us together. Actually, people say I'm so hot that I-" The look he was giving me made me stop right there. It made me feel like I was the lowest person on Earth.

"What?" I asked.


"Is this a dream?"

"No. Its not."

After a few minutes of silence, I spoke up again.

"How did you know I assumed this was space? What is "this" exactly?"

"Who do you think I am?"

"A really hot guy?"

"My name is Death. And I just sucked your soul clean out of your body. You no longer belong to Earth. And we're on our way to Skyfall."

"Does that mean I died?"


After that I remember screaming all sorts of profanities at Death, Cindy, and this Skyfell place, and waving my arms like a maniac before some unseen ropes bound my arms to my sides and I finally stopped.

"I had dreams you freakin' boger! I had plans and wishes and hopes! Why would you do that to me?"

Death just shrugged and we continued on our journey upwards, this time my freedom bound by invisible ropes. As we went higher, I saw something white and jelly-like. It was like an ameoba. A glowing, white ameoba. As we flew nearer, a huge, silver gate came into view and standing beside it was a beautiful woman with huge white wings, flaming red hair and a white bird on her shoulder. She clicked her tongue in impatience and then threw her hands in indignation as she watched us approach.

"Where have you been?!" She screeched.

"The soul you promised me turned out to be quite feisty and, uhh, self-obsessed," replied Death looking bored.

"What? What are you talking about? Cindy Malla-" she stopped short when she looked at me. "You brought Raven Oxford's soul?!" She screeched again.

"Uhh, we had a little...mishap. Things didn't go as planned." And he told the entire story of what happened, to that lady, while I analyzed my surroundings.

"How could you be so careless?!"

"It all happened so fast, Life. I didn't even know how it happened."

"For crying out loud, Death, return Raven Oxford's soul back and get Cindy Mallark's soul. And make sure you wipe Raven Oxford's memory clean. We wouldn't want her blabbering about all of this on Earth, now would we."

I glared at her. I didn't like this Life woman. Too proud.

"But, Lifey, my curfew just started. I have to go."

"What? What curfew? Oh, not again. What did you do this time?"

"Oh, nothing much, just ate a few green-gobbed goats."

"You did what?! You have any idea how long it takes to grow them? Two thousand and fifty six years! No wonder you're on curfew!" Life said, shaking her head in disgust.

"What now? What about her?"

They both turned towards me and Life analyzed me from top to bottom. Then making a face she turned away as if I was too disgusting to look at.

"What?" I cried defensively.

Ignoring my cry, Death suddenly nudged Life with malicious glee sparkling in his eyes.

"Why don't we send her back?"

Life grinned. "I do believe that is the smartest thing you've ever said."

Confused and curious, I touched them both lightly and asked, "What's going on? Will anyone please tell me?"

I pretended not to notice Life wiping off the spot I touched her with a napkin.

Death replied with that same malicious glee sparkling in his eyes but with a touch of an evil grin, "You, my precious soul, are going back to Earth to retrieve Cindy Mallark's soul. You have to get it in exactly the same way, same time and same place as yours was taken. You have exactly two Earth weeks from now to retrieve her soul. If you do not, I will keep you with ME, forever. And believe me, that is not going to be pleasant."

My mouth dropped open in shock. WHAT.THE.HECK.

******Small first chapter. Sorry guys. The next chapter will be longer. ;D

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