Chapter 21

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You know whether we can do anything
I know that you can do everything
You said that we should try many things
Let's make an hour so we can do everything

It was as if every witch who had been hiding out in the cemetery was now out of the shadows and waiting for them when Klaus and Caroline arrived. They stopped at the threshold, Klaus being unable to pass over it without an invite and while Caroline still was able because of her Harbinger status, she chose to remain at his side for now. The elders of the group were all gone, dead either by Marcel's hand or Covens, but there were plenty of witches left-from children to older adults-and Caroline could almost hear the wheels turning in Klaus' head for how to deal with them.

The light from a few street lamps shone down on the two of them and Caroline was certain the blood that streaked their clothes and skin must have made them look even more frightening than usual. But none of the witches stepped back or made any movement at their appearance, no doubt because they rightfully assumed it was from Marcel's vampires and hadn't those deaths been something they all desperately wanted to have happened?

"Where's Claire and the rest of them?" asked one woman, stepping forward from the others but not crossing the boundary.

"They're dead," Caroline started, and hushed whispers started among the others and she could only imagine what was going through their heads.

"As happens when someone works to betray me and mine," Klaus interrupted, and Caroline inwardly groaned. Hadn't they agreed that she would be doing the talking? She was pretty sure she had been adamant that she be the one to talk to the witches for this exact reason!

"Now, the way I see it, you lot can attempt your own little coup d'état against me, resulting in me slaughtering your children." His gaze lingered on a few of the younger generation that were quickly pulled out of sight and while he could feel Caroline's annoyance with him, Klaus continued. "Then expelling those of you who remain from this city, cutting you off from the source of your power, and delighting in watching you run in fear until your dying breath. Or-"

"Or," Caroline interrupted, glaring at him and his cocky arrogance. Which okay maybe he had earned it being pretty much one of the most powerful creatures in the world, but seriously? This was not how to go about doing this. "You go home. You live your lives. You practice the magic you want and as long as you're not interfering with the balance or plotting to kill any of the Mikaelson family you won't be bothered with."

"And we're just supposed to what?" the original woman asked, staring at her in disbelief. "Take your word for that?"

Caroline stepped over the threshold, leaving Klaus behind. From his low growl she knew he wasn't pleased that she had done so, but she needed to do this part on her own. "Technically I have enough power that I could kill each and every one of you here and now," Caroline reminded, letting her hand glow. "It's no secret that most of you don't like vampires. That you'd probably rather we were wiped off the face of this earth, but doing that would upset everything and I think you're wise enough to know that." She let the light die out. "Rebekah and I went in to save you when we could have left you all to Marcel's mercies. One of my best friends was a witch. I have another who is still one. I don't have anything against any of you. I helped get your damn powers back when it'd have been simple enough to cut you off from them for good."

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