The Lantern Calls

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Off in the distance something lurked within the shadows. But all that could be seen was the tip of a silver tail. The silver tail stiffened under the creeping moonlight before being quickly whisked away to the depths. The ocean grew still as the fog drifted north. And to the north was alighthouse only capable of flashing a somber glow. The keeper was alone, his only companionbeing the decomposing skeleton at his side. And of course the keeper's only clothes were of aman long gone. A grim reminder of a promise not kept. He glanced back, the clock was stillticking. Various carvings scattered throughout the dreary compartment. The keeper grew wearyas he could feel the bags under his eyes growing. It was like a never ending cycle. The boatshould've been back by now. But there was nothing that could be done. The keeper stared ahead, the light only barely keeping him awake. Whatever happened, the lighthouse needed to stay awake. But the keeper could feel it grow dimmer each day. He knew it was only a matter of time before what lay beneath the depths crawled to the surface. The keeper flinched as the wood creaked beneath his feet, his hand still on the lever. A few minutes passed then ten as his eyes dropped. Maybe it would be ok if he just slept for a moment. Out of nowhere, the keeper jolted awake as something scraped against the rocks. He stared in shock as the darkness burst into view, the lever mistakenly pulled down. And that was when a beautiful song drifted around. The atmosphere suddenly becoming more joyful. But the keeper had read enough tales to know that this was only the beginning of the end. Without a word the keeper pulled the lever up once more just as a pair of glowing eyes lit up not far from the shore. But of course the reckoning was upon him as the light finally gave up. His only hope of survival was gone in a flicker. A part of him was relieved, perhaps death would be peaceful. The lurking siren no longer an unseen menacebut an old friend finally let into his heart. But suddenly the keeper found his hope souring as hecould faintly see a boat at the side of the island. There were no paddles but at the very least there was a new lantern that could replace the lost light. Almost immediately the keeper rushed out of the lighthouse. The fog was thick but he could still see the boat not far from him. The keeper hesitated, the beautiful song erupting once more. He glanced to the side, faintly making a fish-like creature perched on top of a rock. It was only a matter of time before the keeper made his way to the boat. He breathed a sigh of relief, the siren barely making a move. Without a moment of hesitation, the keeper lit the lantern, squinting as a brilliant glaze lit his face. Well, that took care of that. Then the keeper felt his hands drift toward his pocket. A faded sheet of paper coming onto his hands. The message made the blood drain from his face, the bloody handwriting popping out at him.DON'T TURN ON THE LIGHT.

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