Chapter 8 - Removed

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Amber's POV:

I stared at Nicolas and held my diary tight to my chest. He wasn't happy. He walked forward and tore the diary from my hands. He opened it to the last page and skimmed through it.

“You love another? And you hope I will give up? Well, my dear, I hate to ruin your dreams but I am sorry. You are coming home with me.” He grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the room. I had nothing that was mine except for a few cloths and my diary. As we marched out of the asylum, he tossed my diary down into drainage ditch. He threw me into the back of a car and we drove away. Madam Jones hadn't been able to stop him. It seemed he had done all the appropriate paper work and I was free of the asylum but now in the clutches of Nicolas Lord. I stared at him as we drove through the darkened streets.

“Nicolas, what are you going to do?” He laughed and looked at me in the mirror.

“My dear, you are moving into my house. I am sorry about my outburst but I am a jealous man. You, my dear, need to know that. I also believe that we should consummate our marriage.” I held a straight face but knew this wouldn't be good. I wasn't about to consummate a marriage with someone I hated and planned to divorce. There was the answer, I realized. If I was out of the asylum I might be able to be rid of him.

“Mr. Lord, did you removed the diagnose of insanity?” He shook his head.

“Why would I do that? You would divorce me in a heartbeat. Of course, your a still insane by law. I have just been kind enough to take you under my wing. Both of us know you are not insane but I can't have you leaving me, now can I?” I glared and sat rigidly in the seat. He laughed and parked the car in his driveway. I ignored how nice the house was as he led me to my room. He walked in with me and said,

“My dear, this will be your room for tonight. I know this must be stressful to be taken from your home so soon so I will not ask you to consummate the marriage now. We will do that tomorrow night. Rest well.” He tried to kiss me but I turned away. He laughed and said,

“You will be begging me to kiss you later.” I growled. I wasn't interested at all. I had to do something. For a moment I actually wished Erik would kill Nicolas. My hands were tied but Erik's weren't. He was dangerous and I knew it. He said he would kill for me. I walked over to my bed and looked out my window. What was I going to do? I was stuck here. I doubted Erik even knew where I was. I threw myself on a pillow and started to sob. I sobbed for hours but the tears kept coming. Erik's name echoed in my mind. I loved him. I really did. He had done so much for me. He had kept me company and showed me music and joy. He had kept me sane through the days in the asylum. I walked over to the window and laid my hand against the cold glass.

“Erik, I love you and will wait for you. Find me.”

Erik's POV:

I walked down my passages and thought about what Amber had just told me. She loved me. No one ever had. I touched my mask and sighed. She didn't know what was behind the mask though. She had asked but accepted that she would never see. I didn't want her to know. It was gruesome. But now she loved me. Now, we were a couple. If it wasn't for that idiot, Nicolas Lord. I would have Amber. She would be mine. When I want something I get it no matter what I have to do. Suddenly I passed through the one place in the whole of the asylum where one can hear everything. I heard Nicolas in Amber's room. He didn't sound happy as he said,

“You love another? And you hope I will give up? Well, my dear, I hate to ruin your dreams but I am sorry. You are coming home with me.” I froze. In an instant I was running back through the tunnels, my booted feet making no noise on the wed stone. I arrived in my opening into Amber's cell, only to find that she and Nicolas were gone. I looked out her window and saw a car driving away. She was gone. I pulled out my lasso and smiled wickedly. She wasn't gone. I would kill to get her back. Even if it meant snapping the neck of that irritant.

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