Chapter 1 // The Ball //

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"Shoyo! Hurry up! We have to leave soon!" Natsu tells through the door. 

"I'm coming, just give me a minute." I tell her.

"I gave you a minute five minute ago! We are going to be late!" She says.

"Alright! Alright! I'm done now!" I say, walking out the room. We soon head to the carriage to take us to the palace. 

"Shoyo, can you do my hair?" Natsu asks. 

"Of course I can! There is nothing I can't do for you!" I tell her. 

"I can't believe Prince Kageyama is going to become king! It only feels like yesterday when the King  and Queen announced the birth of their son." My mother says. 

"It felt like forever to me" I say.

"Well you guys are the same age of course it feels like forever. However, because I have a happy family to take care of time just flew." Mother says.

"Time really did fly. It almost feels like Shoyo was born today!" My father says laughing, making the rest of us laugh.

"I agree. Today Kageyama gets to chose his prince, maybe you wi-" Mother says, but I interrupted.

"Wait- a PRINCE!?" I ask. I was so confused and a bit scared. If he wants a prince there is a chance I could be chosen, I really can't have that...

"Yes, a prince. Do you not remember? He came out about a year ago, he told the world he didn't want a princess, he wanted a prince." She says.

"I see. I don't remember this at all, maybe I was out that day." I say. I finish doing Natsu's hair just in time for the ball, as the carriage doors were opening. 

"Shoyo you did such a great job with Natsu's hair, she looks adorable!" Mother's says as we walk out. Soon we are in a room full of people, everyone is dressed quite nicely. They are dressed so nicely that I feel like I almost look pathetic standing next to everyone. We wait in a long line of people before we can walk around and dance. An hour passes by and everyone is finally inside the ballroom. An introducer walks in and says;

"Welcome to the ball everyone! As we know today some lucky boy will be chosen to be a prince, so here I introduce your royal highness, prince Kageyama!" The prince walks in and everybody starts clapping. Everyone stands there awkwardly for a moment until the king says;

"Son, pick the person you want to dance with..." 

"Oh, sorry." Kageyama says. Kageyama looks around until he spots someone and starts walking to them. He comes up to me and grabs me hand.

"Hello there little boy, before I make my final decision may I ask your age?" He says.

"Um... I'm 15..." I tell him. He smile a light, yet creepy smile and holds my hand tighter. 

"I chose you, you are the person I want to be my prince." He says. I look at my family and they are smiling. I feel my eyes tear up and I slap him. 

"I'm sorry! I can't do this!" I say as I run away. I run out the doors, I run as fast as I can, until I'm out of the kingdom and in a forest. 

"No one will come for me here." I say to myself out loud. I stop running and start walking deeper into the forest until I see a log I could sit on. I see a boy sitting on the log and we stare at each other for a minute. That was until he spoke up.

"Oh, hello. Are you okay?"

The Prince's Crown // KenHina Story //Where stories live. Discover now