🗡️Survival of the Fattest🔫.

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A/N: This was kinda requested to me by Monkepants21. He wanted something from treehouse of horror.

No one's POV.

As everyone in the theater was chatting the a green portal opens up and a tired looking Warren with shorter hair falls down on the floor with a groan.

"Hey Warren are you alright?" Asked Midoriya with concern.

He looked up at me with black circles around his eyes.

"No, but I got the DVDs" he said as he pulled out a small briefcase.

"What happened to you?" Kirishima asked.

"2020" he replied simply as he groggily stood up. Everyone looked at him confused.

"I'll explain later, for now let's get this chapter done" he said as he walked to the projector and inserted a disc from the small briefcase.

We see almost all of the boys from class 1-A and 1-B at a long table, eating fancy food with wine in a room filled with animal heads on plaques.

"It sure was nice of Mr. Burns to invite us here. What kind of motives do you think he has?" Said Kirishima.

"Ulterior" replied Sero as he took a bite of his food.

A man with gray hair and glasses then opens a door as an older looking Midoriya with a tuxedo walked in.

"Welcome all! Now, to explain why I summoned you here" said Midoriya as everyone looked at him.

"You're here to participate in a hunt for the world's most dangerous game" Said Midoriya with an evil grin.

"The most dangerous game? What could it be?" Said Mineta as he leaned back on his chair to think as there was a plaque with his name on it.

Kaminari and Sero do the same as there are also plaques with there names on it.

A lot of people gasped as they came to the realization of what was going to happen.

"Wait are they the..."

"Yep" said Warren as he plopped down on the seat next to Midoriya.

"The game I'm hunting... Is all of you. Now, since I am so kind, I will give you a five minutes' head-start. You may commence running!" Said Midoriya as he pulled out a double barrel shotgun.

"Five minutes of running? Just shoot me now!" Complained Monoma as he then got shot in the chest.

Almost everyone gasped at the sudden kill as Monoma paled and clenched his chest.

Eri hides her face in Mirio chest as he wrapped his arms around her as a way to comfort her.

"Well, that broke the ice. Whoever lives to noon tomorrow shall win his freedom!" Said Midoriya as he cocked the shotgun.

Everyone then started running out of the mansion and as fast as they could as Midoriya chased them in a jeep with the other man driving.

As everyone was running away Kouda got shot in the spine.

"Is this even legal!" Snipe exclaimed.

"According to his religion, where he worships himself and the fact that he's richer" Warren replied.

Though the students and heros found it to be a disgusting act the villains were enjoying the show. Shigaraki was relishing the fact that the UA brats were being gunned down, Toga liked seeing the blood, and the other villains just watched it like any other kind of movie.

As everyone continued to run away Midoriya shot Honenuki and Tokoyami while driving over Awase.

We then cut to a bunch of the guys hiding in a tree while Sato was under it.

"Pst, hey climb up" whispered Bakugou from in the tree to Sato.

Sato grabbed on to a branch on the tree and apparently his weight made the tree bend back. And when Sato accidentally let go the tree flung the guys into the air screaming in a comical manner.

"Oh you fat ass!" Bakugou screamed as he went through the air.

And as they were flying Bakugou, Todoroki, and the rest of the 1-B boys were shot down by Midoriya and his rifle.

A lot of the people in the theater were having a difficult time to not throw up at the scenes of there friends and classmates being hunted. Shigaraki and Dabi on the other hand laughed as Toga munched on popcorn.

"I think I'm going to be sick" said Tetsutetsu with his face turning green.

Some students were pyschologically scarred for life.

We then cut to a scene of Kirishima, Sero, Kaminari, Mineta, Shoji, Sato, Iida, Aoyama, and Ojiro sitting around a camp fire with tired looks.

"Okay you guys only a few more hours and we'll be free" said Kirishima hopefully.

"Yes, and if we keep moving we should be okay" said Iida with a nod.

And then suddenly there was a old looking plane with Midoriya and the other man in it.

"He has a plane now!" Shouted Mineta in fear.

"That's so unfair" grumbled Kaminari.

"It's down right unmanly" said Kirishima.

The plane dipped down and Midoriya shot at them. He managed to kill Mineta, Aoyama, Sato, and Ojiro. The others survived by either being missed or by jumping away.

We then cut to when it's turning to day time and the final five boys are slowly walking through tall grass.

Their shirts were stained by blood and mud while their eyes were blood shot.

"Hold it right there" said Midoriya as he popped up from the tall grass.
The boys boys gasped, and then slowly raised there hands up in defeat.

"They're giving up?" Asked Hagakure.

"I think they know that they can't out smart or out run him" said Yaoyorozu sadly.

"Aww, so you have finally gave up. Smithers, is there anymore room in the head bag?" Midoriya asked the man that has been with him.

"We could make room" replied Smithers as he discarded a few heads that were in the bag he was carrying.

"Excellent" Midoriya said as he pointed the rifle at Iida and getting ready to shoot.

Everyone in the theater were bracing for the kill.

Suddenly there was a beeping noise on Midoriya's watch and Midoriya turned it off and looked at the boys who were surprised.

"Good news it's noon and I no longer have to kill. Good day gentlemen" as he lifted his hunting hat off to them and walked away with Smithers following.

The screen goes black.

Everyone in the theater room was looking at the screen dumbfounded.

"So what did you think?" Warren asked them casually.

"Amazing" said the entire League of Villains.

"It was not amazing we just saw our own friend gun us down like animals" Exclaimed Iida as he chopped the air.

"What do you think Deku?" Warren asked Deku who was pale with wide eyes and his mouth open.

"I...I...I...I killed my friends!" Midoriya said as he was breathing heavily.

"Well the next one will be even worse, except more death, blood, gore, cussing, and a lot scarier" said Warren.

A/N: Sorry for the long wait but I'm a high school sophmore and I've been working on other fanfics. And thank you for the 1k reads. Thank you all.

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