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When I wake up it is the next morning. I couldn't believe that I slept that long; longest nap I ever took. I get up and get ready. I put on my black shorts with a white shirt that has a design on it and my white shoes.


 I did my hair and got my things together

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 I did my hair and got my things together. I'm all done getting ready and realize that I was done before Benny even had a chance to knock on my window. I wait around about 20 minutes and there is still no sign of Benny. I start to worry because he is always on time. He is always at my window by 8:00. It was already 8:25. I walk downstairs and yell to my sister, "Rachel! I'm leaving the house. Be back later." She yells back "Ok be careful!" "I will." I say. I walk next door to Benny's house and knock on the door. His mom answers the door and I say "Hola Mrs. Rodriguez" she smiles and says "Hola Anna." I ask "Is Benny home?" "I was just going to knock on your door and ask if he was with you? He came home yesterday and then left again and hasn't been home since. I'm begging to worry about about him" She told me with panic in her voice. I think to myself where could Benny be and then I knew immediately where he was. I told her "Don't worry I think I have a pretty good idea where he could be. If I find him I will have him call you." She told me "Thank you so much!!!" I start running as fast as I can. Panic is running through my head wondering if he is even where I think he is. My stomach stars to hurt and the nerves kick in. Finally I arrive at the sandlot. I'm standing in the middle of the field yelling "Benny!!! Benny!!" Tears fills my eyes. What if something happened to him? As I look around while still yelling his name, I finally see him coming down from the tree house. When I see him I run to him and give him the biggest hug in the world. He hugs me back but tighter. When we are done hugging I say "Benny where have you been? You had me worried sick!!" But the only thing that comes out of his mouth is "Were you crying?" I quickly respond saying "No! But why are you here?" He says to me "I just needed some time to think but before I knew it I had feel asleep in the tree house." I said "Benny next time—" but before I could finish my sentence Destiny is walking towards us.

𝔹𝕖𝕟𝕟𝕪 ℙ𝕆𝕍:

I really wanted to hear what Anna had to say but before she could say it Destiny was walking towards us. She says "Hey guys is everything alright?' I reply fast and say "Yes babe, everything is ok." But while I'm talking to her all that is running through my head is Anna. I can't get what she said or how nervous she was when she couldn't find me out of my head. She cares that much for me? I needed to talk to Anna more but this wan't the time with Destiny here. I grab Destiny and kiss her so she doesn't ask anymore questions about what was going on between me and Anna before she arrived. I didn't feel like I needed to worry her about. I turn around because I hear all this commotion. Its the boys ready to play a game.

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It hurt me a lot that Benny kissed Destiny in front of me. But that thought quickly eft my brain when I heard the boys coming towards us. Benny starts to make his way towards them and so do I but some one had grabbed my arm. It was Destiny. "Hey Anna, can I take to you real quick?" She said. I said "Of course Destiny. What's—?"But before I had a chance to finish my sentence she says "I need you to give Benny space. What I mean is I feel like you guys are so close and leaving me out. I am his girlfriend and all and I just feel like he is to attached to you." I was shocked and almost speechless. I said "Oh... umm.. Destiny I didn't know you felt like that. I will, of course, give you and Benny some space. I didn't mean to make you feel any less or excluded. I'm sorry." "Well I wanted to let you know. That's all" and then she walked off. I couldn't believe what she had said. I'm in more of a shock than I am anything else. Then all I see is the boys running towards me.

𝔹𝕖𝕟𝕟𝕪 ℙ𝕆𝕍:

The boys make their way towards Anna and so do I. All the boys say "Earth to Anna!! You there?" I make my way through all of them and say "Anna?" as I grab her arm. She quickly breaks out of the gaze she was in and says "Yes?" and giggles a little. I ask her "Do you want to bat first today?" But she quickly says "No...umm...I'm going to sit out the first half." All the boys start complaining and asking her why. I'm confused as well. Anna never passes up and opportunity to bat first. I finally say to her "Anna cmon... you can go first." But she says no again and tells us to start playing and not to wait on her. So we did. But it was so weird. I have noticed she has been acting weird lately. She won't tell me why though and she tells me everything. There is something up.

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It was nice of the boys to want me to bat first. I really wanted to so bad!!! But I couldn't. I had to give Benny and them space. Destiny was right there and I just can't take Destiny being mad at me with all this other stuff going on in my life. I can't deal with that right now. Plus she's right. I don't want to get in the way of her and Benny. Benny is happy and as long as he is happy, I'm happy. I just sat in the dugout the whole time and waited for the boys to be tired of playing ball. Once they were done they all ran over to me to sit next to me. I thought of a fun thing to do with them and I said with a smile "Who's hungry?!!!" They all licked their lips and raised there hands. 


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