I'm Such a Nerd

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I walked to Forest Line High with my satchel bouncing against my hips from time to time. I walked inside and sighed. Today was the first day back at school, and I was a junior. I was grabbing things out of my locker so I could head to first period biology class. I pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose and pushed the strands of hair that were already popping out of the sides of my ponytail behind my ears. I walked to class, trying to avoid the mobs of people that crowded the halls.

I ran inside my biology class, finally being able to breathe. I walk next to my best friend, Maha Taheny, and sit down on the desk she saved me next to her. Maha had been my best friend since we were just little kids, and we were practically inseparable. Like me, Maha wore glasses, but she made them look beautiful. She had fascinating hazel eyes that seemed to be trimmed with gold and green. No surprise, given that her name, Maha, meant beautiful eyes. Her light brown hair flowed down past her hips, but they were always in two braids. Her skin was an amazing caramel color that I would've killed to have. She was as equally smart as myself.

While I wasn't as beautiful as her, we were still pretty great friends. I had dark brown eyes and brownish blonde hair. My skin was a light tan color, almost peach. My parents had given me the name Jessica, saying I was a gracious gift given by God, but I feel like they were always over exaggerating. My last name's Kane. I was always sarcastic, a habit I had always tried to get out of in the past, but eventually stopped caring about. Some people enjoyed my sense of humor, but I wouldn't know about the rest of the world, since I was always kind of am introverted person. I always tied my hair into a pony tail, but it always turned out messy, hair poking out of the sides. I never was much of a girly girl, while Maha always wore skirts and fancy button ups, I wore jeans and soft v-necks. She was a nerd, but a hot nerd. I was always so jealous of it.

Maha tapped me softly as I was taking notes because the teacher began to explain some thing about the rules of the labs and gave us notes on things we learned last year as a refresher. She leaned in a little and gave me a note.

Do you still want to see the sci-fi movie after school? That way I can remember to get my book. I must know! :)
Yes or no? Circle it!!!! :D

You see, Maha and I always, always, had to bring the book the movie was based on with us. We liked to look through pages of the book and complain to one another about how parts were changed and what changes we did and didn't like. If there was no book, we'd still complain about the science of the sci-fi movie, or of the movie in general. We'd laugh and complain during the whole movie. Whenever a new movie we liked was going to come out, we got some money together to save up. We often brought the book it was based on and kept it in our lockers just in case we decided to go that day. Man, were such nerds. But who cares!!!

I circled yes on the note and quietly passed it back to Maha, who was taking notes. She took it and looked at it. She smiled brightly at me and seemed excited. I gave her a small smile. Maha had always been more outgoing than me, but I always admired that part of her. Man, I have a bad habit of comparing myself to her. I oughta stop that sometime soon..

I pushed a piece of hair that was poking out and tossed it behind my ear. I continued taking notes. Even though I didn't always have my head on my shoulders, I was smartest in the class and had the top grades. My handwriting was neat, and I often wrote in cursive simply because it didn't require as much effort as print. I wrote the notes in my new notebook and tried my best to get the notes just the way I wanted them-neat. After we took notes, not much happened, and the teacher explained how she was planning to give us a short test tomorrow to see how much we'd remembered.

I took notes of the the test in my reminders note book, which I always carried around. Every year, I'd get a new one, and every year it would have a different animal on it. This year was am elegant horse. I never let anyone touch it, because it was not only a reminders book, but also her partial diary, where she wrote things about the past day. She had collected enough of reminder/diary books in her lifetime to know that it would be bad new if anyone got a hold of it. The last time that happened...I shuddered at the thought. That's a story saved for another time.

I got up as the bell rang and quickly packed my stuff inside my bag. Time for the next class. I better get going.

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