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"Nico. Nico, wake up." Leo tried to move from where he was trapped by the sleeping son of Hades, but no luck. Nico stirred in his sleep, but tightened his hold on the son of Hephaestus. Leo groaned, and lit one of his fingers just the slightest bit on fire and touched Nico's forehead. Nico whimpered, and sank his teeth into Leo's arm.

"Gods!" Leo jerked his arm away from Nico, and they fell on the ground, hopelessly tangled in the blanket.

"Leooooo!!!" Nico murmured, still reluctant to get up and help. Leo rolled his eyes, and tried to push him off, but he was dead weight, being more of a nuisance than any help. Nico chuckled, but didn't move.

Leo keeps trying to get them untangled but alas no luck. He sighed, admitting defeat and he turned to look at his boyfriend, who was still trying to sleep. He ran a hand through Nico's hair, trying to tame the unruly black locks. Nico sighed, enjoying the feeling, and pretended to be asleep as Leo attempted to fix his hair.

"That feels good Leo." He mumbled, and it stopped immediately. His eyes popped open quickly. Leo pushed away from him with a smug smirk.

"If you won't help me get up, I'm not messing with your hair anymore, Death breath." Nico glared at him, but decided that it was so worth getting up for. He shadow traveled to the other side of the room, and then walked over, helping his lover up. Leo smirked, pleased with himself. Nico then dragged him to the bed, with the blanket in hand, and made him play with his hair until they both fell back to sleep.


Thank you for reading. We hope you liked this one shot. It is based off of two headcanons combined, though not exactly like either of them. - Gracie

Did you like it bruhs? Did ya, did ya? Good. I did too. SEEEEEE YAAAAAAA! - Charlie

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2015 ⏰

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