Chapter One

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Tomiyu's Pov
When I was in my last year of middle school, I had asked my mom prior if it was alright instead of staying out here in Miyagi if I could stay out with some relatives we had in America. At first, she thought I was a little crazy and sick. And spent the whole entire day asking if I had a fever.

She told me why would I wanna move some place far when I always wanted to be closer to Tobio which was true. I always felt more safe having my very much older twin by my side. But during my second year of middle school.

I noticed a shift in my behavior towards guys. Not my twin of course! But I noticed that guys were quite attractive no matter the size, how tall. Guys just made me question my sexuality.

Women were goddesses but I just couldn't find myself sexually attracted to them. So that when I decided right then and there that I was openly gay.

To this very day, Tobio never knew why I went out to America but over there LGBT community was everywhere it wasn't too hidden like it was over here in Japan.

They had pride, they have their own flags for each one. Rainbow became my favorite, and soon our aunt out in America was the first to learn about me being gay and supported me happily.

She told me herself she was an open lesbian and even introduced me to her girlfriend. She became my best friend and was the first person to tell me to accept who I was proudly.

Now I am back in Miyagi for my first year of high school. And was I ready? Hell yeah, I was.

"Mom, ah! Mom you are hugging me too death." I whined out loudly feeling her violently hugging me to death and crying at the same time.

"Oh, Tomiyu! You are so big now, what happened to my baby!" I winced at her screaming feeling her hands were all in my hair.

"I'm right here being smothered to death," I muttered out resulting in her crying even more. "Hey, wheres Tobio? You think he'd be happy that I'm back after a while." I pouted a little watching mom pull away to wipe at her face.

"Oh silly he is starting his first day of high school today too. He already picked his school Karasuno, now mister it's now time for you to pick a school, you did arrive a little late but we can still register you and stuff and you can start like a few days later."

I nodded my head running a free hand through my blue hair deeply. "What schools are there?" I asked her interested.

"Your brother is attending Karasuno, you could go to Aobajohsai they are a really good school. There's Nekoma all the way out in Tokyo but I don't know why you would wanna go there you'd have to wake up like four hours early just to take all the trains into Tokyo."

It was strange but I didn't wanna go to Karasuno. Yeah, it would be fun to be with Tobio but I wanted to make friends.

"Aobajohsai," I answered grinning. My mom seemed surprised by my answer but then chuckled.

"Let me go get all the stuff.  Let's get you registered!" I laughed quietly rubbing the back of my neck.

It didn't take too long before we arrived at Aobajohsai the school colors were quite pretty as well. Mom took us to the office and was having a deep talk with both the principal as well with the vice-principal.

"We would be honored to have a Kageyama attending our school, Tomiyu here, I hear you are an amazing Volleyball player like your brother!" I snapped my attention back smiling sweetly nodding.

"Yes sir, we basically were attached at the hip, played together a lot I learned the best from him." The principal smiled my way.

"What positions do you play?" I nibbled at my lip harshly.

"Tobio taught me a few things about setting, I know a little bit about everything but my star is more of a libero." I chuckled bashfully like.

"Libero? Oh recently our teams Libero has been nursing a deep injury, you do know it's required to attend at least one club. You should try out today while your mom is giving us all the information."

I was a little surprised but I agreed none the less. I was walking out the office having no real clue where I was going till I bumped into a figure that was actually listening in at the door.

"Well careful there." I looked at him since we were eye level seeing him smirk my way.

"Now I heard Kageyama's twin wants to join the team, was I just hearing things?" I nodded my head a couple times.

"Yeah I'm his twin, I mean you can sort of tell." I laughed rubbing the back of my head before sticking my hand out.

"I'm Tomiyu Kageyama." I introduced. The light brown hair boy took my hand tossing his arm around my shoulder grinning.

"I'm Tooru Oikawa third year, I'm the captain/setter of Aobajohsai, I'm gonna so rub it in his face." I snorted out laughter but let the male lead me to the gym where I followed him.

"So you are a first-year? Man, I feel old."

"Trust me you don't look it."

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