Ch6: An Yu's story

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Note: The part you're about to read is a fanmade version I imagined about An Yu's backstory, it isn't canon.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------        Inside the pagoda, Night Ninja followed An Yu to a little side room next to the dragon statut. She opened the door and showed that it was a room with filled of prescios treasures putted on shelves, Night Nonja was amazed by what he's watching

-Night Ninja: Woaw.... What are those?

-An Yu: These are some of the tresures of mystery mountain's guardians. Each of them used to belong to a former gardian who spend all his life to protect the mountain. And of course one of them belongs to my father

-Night Ninja: Oh, and how about yours?

-An Yu: Well.... I still don't have mine yet.

-Night Ninja: But wait, you said that you're gonna tell me why you were trapped in the gong, so what's the common with this room?

    An Yu sighed then showed him an empty shelve with a inscription written on in The Amulet of Bravery . "Because of this..." added the dragon girl

-Teeny Weeny: Ooooh.... *gibberish*

-Night Ninja: Shush Teeny, she's gonna tell us what happend

-An Yu: *sigh and sith down* Senturied ago, there were a little village in China that used to be a home of all the mountain's guardian and dragon masters. All of them were each year trainned to become great warriors, but only one of these warriors can become a dragon master of the mountain, and as a testing ritual, these guardian must try to guard these treasures during an enemy attack. One day, when I was choosen to become a guardian of the mountain, my father was so proud of me 'cause I was like the first female guardian of the mountain, I was happy too 'cause I was making my family proud of me. So my turn came to pass the guarding test, but unfortunatly, our villainge got attacked by robbers

-Night Ninja: Robbers!? Was is a part of the test or they were real robbers?

-An Yu: They were real. I tryed to protect these tresures but unfortunatly I failed on it. Some important ones got stolen including the amulet of bravery.

-Teeny Weeny: *gibberrish* (What's the Amulet of Bravery ?)

-Night Ninja: Teeny Weeny is asking what's the Amulet of Bravery ?

-An Yu: It's an amulet that gives courage and bravery to the one who wears it, it's powerfull enought to make him able to do crazy stuff

-Night Ninja: Oh.... Okay... Continue pls

-An Yu: Since I failed to protect those treasures I got punished, and as a punishment for me, the sorcer of the village trapped me in the gong. My father begged him to release me so they made a deal, if he manages to find and bring back all the stolen treasures they'll release me from the gong. So my father accepted that deal and left for this quest while I kept waiting.... Years had passed and some treasures were found but except this Amulet of Bravery , years kept passing with no sign of my father.... Senturies passed with wars and changes, the mallet kept getting lost and found by other people who uses it to summon me and force me to exause their wishes but they never gave me the mallet, including you Night Ninja.

-Night Ninja: Oh yeah....*nervous laugh* Sorry...

-An Yu: It's okay, but it was also you who freed me from it when you brought it to mystery mountain and summoned me again. It's you who freed me from it after all

-Night Ninja: Yeah! *blush* It was me! Even if it wasn't on purpose but I did it^^ Woaw guess that after all there is some good in me.

-An Yu: Yeah.... *sigh* while I totally losed hope to be freed from the gong, I'm so thankfull to you and the PJs for that.... Unlike my father who maybe gave up on me during these years of searching....

-Night Ninja: An Yu don't say that! No way your father whould had gave up on you for this! He maybe kept looking 'til he passed away or get killed in a war but he sure never gave up on you! It prouves he loves you unlike my jerk of father!

-An Yu: *hugs him* You're right Ninjy.. You *start crying* You're totally right!

-Night Ninja: *blush even more and hugs her back* Here.... Let it out if you want.... I got you.... *in mind* I'll even try to find this lost amulet for you if you want

     *To be continued...*

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