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lee juyeon sat on his bed texting his friend kevin since he couldn't leave his dorm at the moment, or anytime besides class time for that matter. it wasn't a personal choice, and it wasn't even a choice in the first place. he pressed the call button and put the phone to his ear, waiting for kevin to answer. once the call connected, the older smiled and said a quick "hello" before continuing to talk about random topics.

their call kept going even after an hour, and now they were talking about a play that their friend younghoon would be performing in. juyeon made a mental note to find a way to attend the play, hoping that someone minho knew would also be performing so he could go.

after hanging up the call, juyeon let a single tear fall down his face. he wanted to be able to leave whenever he wanted to and hang out with his friends without getting permission first.

lee minho is juyeon's boyfriend of two years, and the beginning of their love story is pretty much the same as everyone else's. in their last year of high school, juyeon took minho out on a date, where they confessed and started their relationship. since then, they got accepted into the same university and became dorm mates. 

over time, juyeon became more and more popular among students, receiving gifts and letters from girls and boys around the school. he rejected all of them of course, being the loyal boyfriend he is. minho was happy that the older stayed true to their relationship, because he really liked juyeon. or, he did at least.

after the blue haired started to receive multiple confessions, minho became envious even though the boy hadn't accepted any of them. at first, he tried to get them to stop, but it's wasn't possible to get a message like that spread around a college campus. 

since then, the younger began to be more possessive over juyeon, ordering him to stay inside their shared dorm and only leaving for classes and soccer practice. eventually, the older got used to it and just contacted his friends through text, but he didn't know it would get more serious than it already was. 

minho's love for juyeon turned into an obsession, to the point were he wanted to keep the boy to himself, whatever it took. if juyeon wanted to eat something, he would have to go during the time he had class or right before soccer practice started. 

today, the blue haired had forgotten to eat before practice, so he was really hungry. the last thing he ate was half of a hamburger during a break with his teammates the day before. juyeon instantly regretted not taking a bite of the pizza his teammate and best friend sunwoo had offered to him earlier.

after he made his way out of his room, he heard a knock on the door. noticing that minho had gotten to the entrance first, juyeon backed away towards the kitchen instead. before he could get any farther, minho called out to him. the older walked back to the front door, pulling his wallet out of his pocket at the same time. he took a glance at the receipt and handed the payment to the pink haired boy who stood on the opposite side of the doorway. the smaller smiled and walked away. 

opening the bag just delivered to him, minho checked to make sure his two boxes of chicken were still in tact. from across the room, juyeon smiled as he saw that for once, his boyfriend had ordered for two instead of one as he usually did. the taller stood up about to make his way to the kitchen where the other was when he heard a knock on the door.

juyeon redirected his route to the front door, but minho had beat him to it again. the door opened and the two were met with a boy who was well known around the audio production department. both boys had different emotions represented on their faces, one with content and excitement, one with disappointment and realization. minho let the boy into the kitchen, the former completely ignoring juyeon's presence.

the newcomer was named han jisung, as the tall dancer had heard many times during the ongoing conversation in the kitchen. jisung was completely oblivious to the situation occurring right in front of him as he happily ate the chicken his friend had bought, which juyeon had thought just might have been for him for once. with a heavy sigh, the latter put on his shoes and pocketed his phone. the sound of the turning doorknob caught the attention of his boyfriend, who stood up from his seat in the kitchen and approached the now somewhat shaking taller.

"where do you think you're goi-"

"i'm just getting some food to ea-"

minho sighed, an annoyed expression present on his face. "did you just interrupt me?"

juyeon, who experienced similar scenes often, was still scared to his core. he looked down at the wood floor and shook his head, biting his lip to prevent himself from crying. soon, he felt a finger underneath his chin, pushing his face up so his eyes were fixed on the boy in front of him. a quiet "i'm sorry" escaped his mouth and he ran to his bedroom. he was so hungry and afraid, he could cry right then and there. so that's what he did.

burying his face into his pillow, tears flowed from juyeon's face leaving a wet stain on the fabric. when he heard the doorknob turn, he quickly wiped the remaining tears worried that minho was back to yell at him. instead, jisung was standing in the doorway with a sympathetic smile on his face. before he could say anything, he was called back by the older and disappeared again.

juyeon was starting to hate his life a lot. everyone he knew always told him he was naive, believing everything and doing everything that people told him to do. when minho came into his life, he thought he would be protected by him. at this point in time, he went against all the bad words being said about his boyfriend because he still believes that he's being protected.

in reality, lee juyeon doesn't want to admit that minho is insane because he's blinded by love. 

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