1 - Criminal

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Warnings: some language, themes of robbery/jail

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," she groaned.

"Danny, just give me a little more time-"

"How much more, Brad?! I've given you so many extensions! How much longer do I have to wait!"

"If you stop hovering over me and pestering me asking 'Is it time? Is it time?'" Brad exclaimed in a falsetto, doing a rather poor imitation of Danny, "then we'll be ready in an hour at the most! If you keep buggin', we won't be ready till tomorrow!"

Danny inhaled deeply, clenching her fists. She wanted nothing more than to punch Brad's lights out, but she knew she couldn't accomplish this heist without Brad.

"Alright, fine. But you'd better be ready in the next hour, or it's your ass!" Danny growled, then she turned on her heel and stalked out.

This was going to be Danny's biggest heist yet if she managed to pull it off. She'd always known she was going to do this one day, it was simply a question of timing. Two months of preparation later, she was ready. Assuming Brad got everything finalized, today was the day.

Sitting around isn't gonna do anything to speed him up, Danny thought. With a sigh, she entered what she liked to call her training room. She shut the door with a bang and made a beeline for the punching bag.

She briefly considered just going at it, but she realized she should wrap her hands before. She couldn't pull off the heist if her hands were achy and broken. She began to wrap her hands and let her mind wander again.

If everything went right today, she'd be rich as dirt, and she could get out of the city at last. Since escaping juvie at age 17, she'd lived under the radar, robbing a couple convenience stores, pickpocketing in the richer area of the city, trying to scrape together enough money to go on the run. She always had to be careful, though. The cops hadn't stopped looking for her in the two years since her breakout. If they caught her now, who knew how long she'd be in jail?

Upon her escape, she began going by the nickname Danny in order to avoid being recognized as Daniella Bane, the 16 year old that got sent to juvie for carjacking. She'd been very careful to cover her tracks at all times, always hiding or covering her face and wearing different disguises. She still hadn't been caught yet, which she prided herself on. Now, the only thing left to do was to pull off this heist and not get caught. And then I'll be outta here, she thought as she began punching the leather bag.

She usually worked alone if she could. She preferred it that way. No accomplices, no attachments. But when she began planning the heist, she knew she couldn't pull it off alone. She'd never tried something like this before. Her area of expertise wasn't wide enough to encompass every aspect of this heist. So she'd enlisted the help of Brad. He was willing enough, and where she lacked, he made up for in spades. She had every bit of confidence that she could pull this heist off with Brad's help. Of course, she wasn't going to share her prize with Brad, she was just going to take the money and split. But Brad didn't know that. What he didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

She was no longer aware of the passage of time, she only was aware of her fists hitting the leather and her steadily increasing heart rate. It was only when she felt a tap on her shoulder that she stopped and spun around, fists raised.

Brad stepped back, throwing his hands up.

"Oh, it's just you," she said.

"It's just me," Brad affirmed, knowing how Danny always had to be on edge and be ready to fight or flee at any given moment.

"You better have some good news for me," Danny said, lowering her hands and crossing them over her chest.

Brad nodded, pushing his glasses up his nose. "The plans are done. All we have to do is review the security layout, then it's showtime."

Danny grinned mischievously. Only another two hours or so and she'd be outta there. For good.

"Alright. Let's get crackin'. That bank won't rob itself."

AN: hey! I just wanted to say, I know I usually don't write with bad language, but I'm trying to be more comfortable using it when it's appropriate/fitting. In this short story, I felt that it was fitting for Danny to swear, it didn't sound right if she didn't. That's all for now, I hope you guys enjoyed and that this got you excited for the next 30 days!!

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