Chapter One:

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My alarm clock goes off with little but annoying beeps. I smack the snooze button harshly. With the push of my hand, my big fluffy duvet went flying off my body. I flung my feet over the side of my bed, and shot straight up. I ripped my PJ shirt off and ran for my Black Veil Brides crop top. I squeezed into my pair of blood red, mid-rise skinny jeans, I zipped my black combat boots up and threw on my biker jacket. I grabbed my school bag and the keys to my black truck and galloped up the door.
I turned right to get into Laurier's parking lot. I always park right beside the one math teacher, Mr. Nickalopolis, I think. I can never remember the teachers names. I always call 'sir' or 'ma am'. I'm kind of the weird girl that hangs out with the teachers. I mean, I have friends that are students, but not that many. I well... I like to keep to myself. My friend Zach was waiting by the big large sign in front of the school. I run up to him and give him a great big bear hug. He chuckles softly and says,
"Come one, Gweny. We're going to be late." we slowly slid out of each other's grip and started walking to English. He's in grade 11, I'm in grade 9... but I'm really good in English so I moved up a little bit. We both sat in our seat and took out our English books.
"Today class, we will be starting a new English paper." The rest of the class groans in dispar. I'm secretly wishing we have to write our own stories. The transfer from Brooklyn, Arianna, walks in with her late slip. She slaps the slip on the teachers desk and runs over to the last empty seat. She taps me on the shoulder and asks,
"What'd I miss?" I smiled awkwardly and replied,
"All we know is that we're getting a new English paper to write." Arianna nodded and took out a notebook with a Black Veil Brides logo on the front of it. I whispered,
"You like Black Veil Brides." she awkwardly nodded and responded,
"Yep! Also Sleeping With Sirens, Pierce The Veil and Bring Me The Horizon too!" I smiled back joyfully. I love all of those bands.
"Really? I like them too! Oh, you can forget about Suicide Silence. They are great." Our conversation was interrupted by the teacher scratching the chalk along the chalkboard.
"You, will be, writing, your, own, stories. I want to be able to visualize every detail in your stories, I want to feel what your characters are feeling and to be able to smell what they smell." She finally finished everything she had said down on the chalkboard. Now I can hand in one of those stories I've been writing. I could get a professional opinion!
The lights in the classroom started to flicker and the went dead silent. After a few seconds, the lights were shot and an ear piercing screech came from the A.P. system. There was an echoing voice started to chant in a foreign language. My body began to tremble, but not out of fear out of pain and agony. It felt like rusty knives being shoved threw my eyes and back. Then all of a sudden, everything went black.

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