Chapter 1: When the boy goes to find his girlfriend~

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A blue haired male that was known as Kaito laid down on his bed as he thought about his girlfriend and the girl he just passed while he was on his way home. He couldn't stop thinking about his girlfriend as he released a soft sigh.

'I missed her...' He thought in his mind as he then sat up on his bed and pulled out his cellphone from his right pocket.

A female that was known as Yuki would be at home watching T.V as she then looked at the clock. The clock just hit 7pm. She then turned her head away and back to watching a film called 'Moonlight Resonance.'

Kaito stared at his cellphone and searched up his girlfriend's cell number for a few minutes.

'Should I call her?...I guess she is still mad about me for what happened the other day...' He sighed as he was just about to tear up from missing her a lot...He then got out of his bed and slided his cellphone into his pocket as he walked to the door and down the stairs.

Yuki turned off the T.V and walked to her room, sighing.

'Guess he doesn't care or love me anymore...oh wells, it's always best to move on then to suffer.' She thought to herself as she started to think about what had happened the other day. She walked into her room and closed the door behind her; sure that the room was dark and didn't turn the lights on besides the full moon shining into her room.

After he walked down the stairs, he would then look at his whole family that was watching T.V as he called out.

"Mum, dad, I'm heading out for a while."

"Alright son, have fun! Hope your problems would be solved soon. Don't let the girl go; if you truly love her with your whole heart." His father nodded and smiled, looking at his son.

"Yes dad! I'll remember that! I won't let her go that easily since I love her so much! I better get going now, see ya later!" He said as he quickly slipped on his shoes; waving at his family and walked out, closing the door behind him.

Yuki was alone in her room as he walked over to her comfortable bed and laid down, grabbing a rabbit like teddy bear and held it close to her chest. She missed him way too much as she was about to cry herself to sleep.

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