I came back to my house.. It's been quite long since taehyung liked when I stayed at this house... I loved it too.... But maybe now it won't be the same. The feeling of loneliness took over.... Already. I was already missing him. I was wondering if he really does care about me, or would he come here to get me or not....
Its almost afternoon, lunch time, but my appetite is completely gone... So I decide to watch something on my laptop...
After that I felt really exhausted so I went to sleep...... But
Yes, I do have nightmares, really frequently actually, but I never really felt scared when I was with Taehyung... He would make sure that I was all comfortable, so I had no nightmares or fear.....
But now... I really need to adapt to do these things without him....
One side of me says he'll come, one says he won't.....
I got up after another terrible sleep and saw it was almost 7! I slept at around 4 ... Gosh I must be really exhausted to sleep so much...
Just then I got a call from my friend, yeri
I was a bit hesitant to pick up the call because.....
Yeri was Taehyung's sister.
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I anyways pick up the call after sometime
Yeri: Hello Y/n??? Y/n: Hi Yeri.... Yeri:what took you so long to pick up the call!? Y/n:um- Yeri:Ok anyways... Guess what?! Y/n: what...??? Yeri: I and baekhyun are back to Korea!!!!
Yes, Yeri doesn't live in Korea, she lives in LA with... Baekhyun...and Baekhyun is Taehyung's elder brother..Yes. He has two siblings. Yeri is the youngest and baekhyun is the eldest... But... Taehyungs relations are not that good with his brother. Infact, Yeri is the only person Taehyung cares about the most, he loves his sister alot....
The day when Taehyung had come drunk to store, he had left his house.... When he was younger, his parents had gotten divorced and he was fored to live with his father as his mother wasn't financially stable. He never really liked his father and also his brother, because his brother never cared about their mother and only cared about the his father's wealth.
Yeri: Hello??? Y/n: ah really!? We need to meet up then! I said trying to sound enthusiastic, but I really didn't know how to tell her the truth. Yeri: Yes of course! I was thinking of throwing a party tomorrow... So I'm gonna tell Lisa. Bye!!Im really excited to meet up after such a long time! Y/n Pov : I said yes because she had come to Korea after a really long time so I didn't want to disappoint her..
*Next day*
Today Yeri was going to throw a party... I don't know if Taehyung was gonna come or not.... I really wish he doesn't. It would be so hard for me....
I wore a simple yet sexy black.. After that I went to Lisa's house to head to the party together
I'm here at Lisa's home waiting for her to come out.
*After 5 minutes I see her coming*
Lisa : Heyy y/n sorry if I kept you waiting. Y/n : oh no it's okay, come now.
We are finally here.....
I confidently head directly to Yeri with Lisa.
Yeri : HEYYYY you guys are finally here!! I had missed y'all so much!
Lisa : ME TOO! it's been so long since we last met.
Yeri : Exactly!
She comes forward to hug me and I hug her back.
Yeri : Ah y/n you look soooo prettyyyy..... And also sexyyyy.
Y/n: ha, stop it.
Yeri : BTW, where's Taehyung??I thought he'd be coming with you.