"I love you!" (Nishinoya Yuu fluff)

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This was requested by toshiba-san

(Y/N) = Your name
(N/N) = Your nickname
(E/C) = Eye color
(H/C) = Hair color
(H/S) = Hair style
(S/C) = Skin color

"Ooh wooow! (Y/N)! Is that a sky tree!" Noya jumped in excitement, the said male started at it before responding with just as much excitement "I think it is! Cool!" (Y/N) had stars in his eyes with a grin.
"Idiots how many times do we have to tell you it's a damn cell tower!" Daichi groaned in irritation.
"Whaaa sugamama! Dad's being mean again" (Y/N) whined putting Nishinoya on his back and clinging to his favorite senpai . "Daichi don't be so harsh." Sugamama defended his child. "But he-" "Daichi." Suga glared at his lover "Ugh fine." He walked away
"Thanks mom-senpai!" (Y/N) grinned as him and Nishinoya dashed into the building where the trying camp was to be held.

(Time skip brought to you by chibi (y/n) running with Noya on his back)

"Noya~~" the older coed to his crush who was sitting in his lap.
"Yess (n/n) ?" He questions looking up at the male
"You're cute~" Noya froze his face turning crimson hearing his crush say that made his heart pound rapidly as if it would burst
"T-thank y-you!" He stuttered he cursed himself for stuttering, the older noticed his friend's red face and got worried
"Hey are you okay your face is soo red?" (Y/N) asked touching his causing him to redden . "Y-yeah I'm fine dude." He smiled his friend's warm had leaving his face making him unconsciously whimper from the loss of touch.

(The next day)

Noya sighed annoyed seeing you converse with someone he barely knew upset him, he didn't want you around someone who could take you away. He knew he had to tell you his feelings but he didn't know how whenever he tried to he turn red and stutter like a damn idiot, he groaned rubbing his face. "Yo, Noya what's wrong with you."
'Tanaka! Perfect!' Noya thought a smile on his face.
"Yeah dude that me."
"Tanaka, how'd you ask Ennoshita out?"
"Eh?! Well I just yelled it across the court and he seemed to embarrassed to say no so uh yeah." He shrugged.
"Oh...! This should work!" Nishinoya exclaimed grinning "Thanks Tanaka!" Nishinoya bolted towards you, as Tanaka stood there confused as hell
"Uh....your welcome? What the hell just happened?" He muttered.

Noya ran towards you and tackled you and yelled "I LOVE YOU (Y/N)!" (Y/N)'s face turned red as he heard the words left Noya's mouth. "I love you too, Noya!"

I hope this was okay

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