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*March 10th*
Sakura could be seen, as she was rushed into the emergency room. She had taken care of a mission. Class S, and came out with grave injuries. Her hands were covered in blood and her pants as well. Her mouth was covered in blood too , signaling that she used a summoning jutsu to help her. Her friends who heard the news, watched as Sakura's bloodied body was carried in and the door closed with a loud bang. Hinata looked down and wanted to cry. Sakura had been gone for a whole week and the first time she sees her, she's bloodied in a hospital room. Everyone was quiet but Naruto decided to break the tension. "Hey guys, I know Sakura-Chan wouldn't want us to be down, let's go get some ramen and then we can ask Grandma on how Sakura is doing." "Since when did you get so smart, dobe?" Sasuke said. "Hey!"shikamaru sighed and said,"Guys cut it out, and let's get some ramen, my treat." Everyone agreed and walked out of the hospital. Naruto was happy that he was getting ramen, but sad that Sakura was in the hospital. Hinata knew what he was thinking, but he didn't show any care for her when she was in the hospital a month ago, due to an ANBU mission. Sasuke and the three other boys were talking quietly, while Hinata was staring at Naruto. "I'm going to ask Sakura on a date!"he exclaimed happily as shikamaru and Choji  cheered him on. Sasuke just looked at his blonde friend and shook his head. "Why won't he like me?" She muttered to herself , but too late she realized that everyone had heard her. Choji and Shikamaru sadly stared as Naruto asked a question. "Who won't like you? I think you're a pretty cool friend, Hinata," he said to her not realizing he had hurt her with one word. 'Friend,' was the word she repeatedly heard and she had enough of it. She slammed her hands on the table and stared at Naruto, sadness in her eyes. "Why don't you like me Naruto? I've seen you grow and never judge you. Yet you go for Sakura! Sakura this, Sakura that. I get is she's great, but you're so stuck on her. Why isn't it me?!" And with that she ran out, leaving a shocked blonde and three surprised boys. She didn't realize that 4 hours had passed, and her family was looking for her. What surprised her was that Sakura was going towards her. Her red vest, her spiky pink hair, and her ANBU mask, made her seem threatening, but hinata knew that she wanted to talk. "Hinata, what's wrong?" And with that Hinata exploded. "Why is Naruto fixed on you? He looks at you like an angel and cares for you, he even loved you! But to me all I am to him is a friend! Sakura, why isn't it me? Why can't I be looked that way?" Hinata was panting in anger but took a deep breath and calmed down enough to have a conversation. Sakura sighed and sat down next to her. "Hinata, i don't know why Naruto likes me ,but you can't let your feelings get in the way. I don't want you to make the same mistake when i was younger. I didn't train and focused more on my looks, for Sasuke, and look where it got me, my teammates talking behind my back. Hinata i will help you improve , but at the same time i will be an obstacle for you to pass. Captain or not. Friend or not. I will help you," Sakura finished and she stood up. Hinata looked at the pinkette with shock on her face. Sakura extended a hand out to her hyuga friend and Hinata grabbed the hand, thankful for the help. She sighed and was going to apologize but Sakura cut her off saying don't apologize. Sakura walked Hinata back to their home and once they went in, were bombarded with shocked gasps. "Sakura, Hinata you're back? Sakura you should be in the hospital. Im sorry Hinata, believe it."were all heard throughout the home. "Naruto, it's alright, plus Sakura helped me," she said as she smiled and Naruto grinned back. "Now Sakura-chan , what are you doing outside the hospital?"he asked worried for his crush and friend. "I healed myself, simple as that," she said as she took of her anbu mask, but left her black mask. It had become a comfort for her and now sees why kakashi wears it. "Why Naruto, do you doubt me?"Naruto smiled and said," No Sakura." *March 13th* This day was spent doing training and preparing herself for the 27th. She wasn't ready for it, but a mission is a mission and it needs to be completed. She collapsed from exhaustion and had to be carried back to her home and her eyes slowly closed, falling asleep.   *March 17th* '10 days,' was all she could think as she was jumping on trees. She had been assigned a mission, an ambush one and get red of 10 shinobi. All of them were jonin level and Sakura saw this as a test. A test for her to prove that she could kill someone and feel no emotion. 'Well only one way to find out,' was what she thought as she killed each of them. One punch through the heart. 'Show no remorse,' were the words she repeated as she went back to konoha. She spent 7 whole days tracking them, and was not happy about it. She arrived to her home in 1 day, top speed, and entered her home. She was bruised and her right arm had blood all over it, none of it was hers. Her friends undertsood what she'd done and jokingly told her to take a shower. She oblidged, hopped into the shower, scrubbed all the blood off, dried herself, and put a pari of clothes on. She walked to her bed and laid down. 'Wait today's the 25th, better take a good rest today and get ready tomorrow. I'm going against my own friend.'

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