being a woman

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"Congratulations. You've got a beautiful baby girl.. See for yourself.. "
The doctor opened the genital to make her see the gender of her child... And hence starts the journey of her baby girl in this cruel fragile world of patriarchy..

" Ma, my panties are red? Why am I bleeding? " My girl asked me in a horror stricken voice.

" You've got your periods dear.. Your journey as a women starts now" . She replied... And hence starts the journey of her baby girl as a women ih this cruel world of patriarchy

" Ma!! He touched me bad.. What did I do wrong?? He scratched me he pushed me and he took my virginity.. He made me bleed by force.. He raped me.. What was my fault? " My girl asked me sobbing on the floor

" You are a girl with a vagina through which babies come out and you've two round breasts which produces milk to feed new born infants.. That is your fault my child.. You don't have a penis..that is your fault my child. " She replied.. And hence starts the journey of her baby girl in this cruel pathetic world as a piece of meat and flesh.. Where humanity dies a thousand death in front of gender inequality..

" Ma, when will this stop? Are we not human? " My girl asked.

" Humanity has died.. It will stop the day this world will cease to exist.. This will stop the day God will stop differentiating.. This will stop the day our breasts and vagina will be considered a part of anatomy and not a pleasuring feature... It will stop the day this world will crumble to dust. " She said. And hence the never ending journey of us women remains in this cruel barbaric world..

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