count the ways-kid!funtime!freddy

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((Not a request but i had this idea after hearing the count the ways summary dawko did.

Will do requests next

Note:some or most parts of this story will be similar to count the ways but in my own spin of things i hope thats ok.

This story will also be different then usual as it will not have the readers perspective but the readers child. Funtime freddys sibling.
The reader will show up and have parts but its just not in their perspective.

Gender and name of the child is up to yall.


I am (c/n)((childs name)), i am a 16 year old (m/f)((male or female)).

My parent (y/n) works for a company called fazbear incorporated and in my opinion. Is kinda crazy.
Let me explain.

After my 10th birthday my parent had gotten something from the company. I dont remember why, maybe to fix it and they never fixed it?
The gift was a big metal animatronic bear, it had weird opened lines on its face and chest, a missing hand, and painted with the colors white and purple with a few spots of pink.
My parent always leaves it in a room by the garage thats decorated like a kids room, claiming that it deserved a room rather then sit in the garage.
It never leaves its spot, at the very corner of the room on a sturdy cloth covered metal stool.

I admit its kinda weird.
But whats crazy is that my parent refers to it as a "he" and had named it "freddy". Even to go a step farther and told me he was my little brother, being 10 i didnt even realize how crazy it was i just assumed it was a big toy at the time.
Back then my parent told me and my friends who came over back then to never play with it "to young to play with the big kids" they said.

Now that im 16, i realize how bad my parents mental health is...always go in that room to spend time with that robot, talking to themselves, or even take it to the garage to fix.
It kinda scares me sometimes.

Right now i lay awake in my bed, the clock on my nightstand read 1:45 am.
Ever since i was 12 i kept having this sense of dread when the clock struck 12 am letting me stay up and never sleep till 6. I didnt mind it, i was a night time person anyway but i actually did want to sleep a full night as tomorrow i will have a long day at school and after school soccer practice.

With a sigh i sit up in my bed and get up, with a yawn and fumbling in the dark i reached my door and walked out into the hallway. The house is pitch black but i can see my parents door thats open down the hall and the stairs that lead to the living room, i could feel the sense if dread getting more intense as i walked down the stairs.
The living room windows had let in some moonlight so i can find my way to the kitchen, i flip the switch and the blinding light from the kitchen stings my eyes. I sometimes wish that we should have night vision but with that i started to get me a glass of ice water.

Suddenly i heard a loud and distant bang and i nearly dropped the glass on the floor, the noise had came from that  room... Setting down the glass on the table i creeped down the hall to the door and slowly opened it with a creak following.
The room looks the same, nothing was moved and the bear still sits in its stool unmoving, i figured it was just my imagination, the lack of sleep probably getting to me.
So i closed the door,get my water, and head back upstairs...


The next day my parent threw a get together with some friends, i wouldnt mind that my parent gets to have fun i just hate the noise. Even upstairs in my own room i get to hear their yelling, so in means to escape i go to the secret room. My parent says that they made it soundproof years ago before the bear came, makes things more quiet.
I grabbed my things and snuck in the room when no one was looking, the room is the same as i saw it last night. Nothing has moved, the bear is still in its place, and no dust or cobwebs was around.
As i set up my stuff i get this feeling of being watched, looking at where its coming from i see the bear... Did its eyes move or was it my imagination going wild again?

Looking at it more closely i noticed theres a line going down its stomach, like it can open up, Weird design choice for a animatronic bear.
Without any moments of warning the handle of the door starts to twist, if my parent finds me in here i would be grounded for life! Looking around i couldn't find a place to hide, until i looked at the bear again it should be big enough for a person to go inside right?
I forced the metal doors of its stomach cavity to open, crawl inside the robot, and shut the doors.

Seeing through the small gap i see my parent walk through the door, they looked confused seeing my stuff on the floor and not me around. They looked at the bears direction and asked "have you seen your (brother/sister)?" Silence follows, after a few seconds in silence they left the room and shuts the door.
I breath a sigh of relief, good im in the clear.

I press my hand against the door to open the stomach cavity to leave but it wont move, like it was locked in place.
After a few seconds of pushing i start to panic *why wont it open!?* i thought, it was not like this earlier.
I hear creepy laughter and look up to see a pair of crystal blue eyes looking back at me, stifling a scream i stare at the eyes and the mechanical mouth starts to move "finally! Me and my big sibling can finally play together!" It said with glee, like a little child getting a puppy for the 1st time.

"W-what-" i was in shock, this is weird and scary. The thing is alive, my parent is not crazy after all! "(M/d) never wanted me to play with you and the big kids, they said you won't play fair" he said with a whining tone "but now we can finally play!" He continued, i stare up at the robotic eyes "let me out plz then we can play!" I said, the robotic mouth smiles somehow "but you won't play when i let you out" he said still happily "plz just one little game?" He asked like a child asking their parent for a toy, i was kinda worried what would happen if i said no....

"Ok...ok what do you want to play?" I asked with a shakey voice "I'll give you some options! Theres so many games id like to play but i dont know what to pick!" He said with glee, in a almost innocent tone.
"How about a game of drowning?" He said happily, i was immediately struck with fear. Drowning? I expected a simple game like hide and seek or tic tack toe, not something that would kill me "w-what?" "Drowning! I can fill up my stomach with water!" Hes dead serious "n-no! That will kill me!" I screamed "kill? What is that? Is that a game i dont know of?" He questioned, this is where it clicked into my head... My (m/d) was keeping me and my friends away from him because he is programmed to kill people, thats why they where so busy with him, to fix his programming.

"I-its something really really bad" i tried to explain, how can you explain death to a robot? "Oooh i think (m/d) told me about it before!" He exclaimed "ok we wont do that one" he said afterwards, with another sigh of relief i relax again "i know a good game called crushing! I can let the walls close in and squeeze you" he said, with another option to cause my death "no no no! Thats another one that can kill me!" I said in more panic! Is all the options going to kill me?

"Oh..." He says in slight disappointment,  his eyes show a expression of worry "im sorry i did not know its bad like drowning, what about frost? (M/d) said i have to keep my heaters running but i can turn them off just this once to play" he said innocently, more death options "no thats bad too" i explained.
This continues for a long time....

Until the eyes roll forward and i heard a voice "freddy. Let your sibling go" its my (m/d)s voice "but we havent played yet..." He says in a sad tone "i know but keeping them in your chest cavity is not fun for them, plz let them out" they said sternly, after a few seconds the chest cavity doors open and i can finally crawl out. When the doors shut again freddy acted more sad "i just wanted to play..." He said sadly, my parent comforts the bear the best they could "i know but you can play as much as you want when you are better" they said "i will be back ok i need to talk to your sibling ok?" "Ok..." Freddy said sadly still.

My parent takes me out of the room and preceded to scold me about not following their rules and that to never do that again...




That was years ago. Now that my brother is better we both have been the best duo ever known.

Baby/kid fnaf x parent reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now