Unbound Chains

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It was already late afternoon the moment she finished dealing with Audrey's rants. Her inbox was full of the woman's emails and she couldn't help but internally grit her teeth in annoyance. Those distributors weren't much of a hassle, thank god. Save for that crappy shipment process.

Duusu urged her to put on her usual uniform so that she could do her hair and see if a different hairstyle matched her everyday attire. If it were under normal circumstances, she definitely would have said otherwise. But, then again, today is not one of those normal circumstances.

"Ta-da!" Duusu exclaimed, admiring the ornaments she had decorated Nathalie's hair with. From the lace braided bun, it became a comfortable donut bun with a braid surrounding the base.

"How does it look, miss?"

"Looks and feels comfy. You've outdone yourself, Duusu."

"Hmm... I kinda missed your usual bun in this suit. Wanna restyle your hair, Miss? You know. In its usual?"

"I thought you'd never ask."

Gabriel paced back and forth in his office, impatience etched on his face.


"It's time, Nooroo."

"Master you can't possibly rush that decision now. Miss Nathalie is still adjusting to her state and you haven't witnessed her progress that much."

"I don't have time."

"Then make time, Master. Miss Nathalie is still unwell and who knows what she's been bundling up inside-"

"I don't remember giving you permission to talk. What I say, goes. You should have learned that by now!"

Indeed I should have, he thought. But all he could manage to respond with was, "Yes, Master."


"Liiri, wings of prey!"

Nathalie's eyes widened, her pupils blown in horror as she watched Aras form in front of her. She gripped the covers of her bed in suppressed fear as Nooroo made his way towards Duusu, who stayed close to her owner.

Nathalie shot up from her bed, immediately standing in front of him, her heels clicking as they hit the ground.

"Sir," she started. "Are you sure you want to do this... today?"

I'm not ready.

I'm not ready.

Say it, I'm not ready.

Whatever it was that Nathalie was thinking in her mind, she kept it within. She internally admitted to herself that letting Aras free her of her chains was a bad idea. She wasn't ready to reveal anything today or any other day! She panicked, the beeping in the room becoming louder and louder. She secretly cowered under his gaze as a piercing glare was shot towards her.

"Sir, usually I have no complaints but-"

"Today, Nathalie," he repeated, making Nathalie freeze in her place as he said aloud, "Liberation!"

Once more her head dropped in submission when the power pierced through her chest. Nooroo forced Duusu to stay in her place knowing that Gabriel wasn't an easily persuaded man.

That, he had already learned by now.

"One last time, Nathalie. I free you of your chains. Completely!"

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