😄Welcome to Hopes Peak!😄

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(I'm going with the flow with this story, so sorry if its bad TwT)

Hope these help!
Y/n- Your name
L/n- Last name
A/n- Authors note
H/c- Hair color
E/c- Eye color
POV- Point of Veiw
U/t- Ultimate Talent
I hope you enjoy!


(Y/n's Flashback)

      When you first met Kazuichi, he was shy and didn't have any friends at Sakura Middle School, you both met in 7th grade, November 2.

You were crouching down on the grass on the feild, poking a stick at some ants you found. You chuckled as they helplessly tried to attack the stick, but you just shook them off. You were completely unaware of the boy watching you from the bench. He watched you teased the small little creatures. You were so focused on the ants until you heard a twig snap behind you. You hastily turned around to face a boy around your age, he had black hair and pink eyes.He was frozen as you glanced at him curiously, he was stuck in a stalking position.
      "Hey you, Four-Eyes!" you mumbled as you got up off the floor.
      "F-Four-Eyes?" He squeaked out. As you approached him, he seemed to freeze up even more.
      "Do you like bugs too?" You asked, slightly smiling at him.
      "I-I mean I gu-guess." He murmured shyly, putting his hand be hind his head. You stuck your hand out towards him. He looked at it curiously, and then quickly darted his eyes up towards you.
      "I'm Y/n L/n, the U/t! And you are?" You chuckled slightly.
      "A-Ah, oh umm... I-I'm Kaz-Kazuichi Souda! I-I'm the Ultimate Mechanic! Nice to m-meet you." Kazuichi breathed.
      "Well Kazuichi, I declare that me and you are now friends!" You burst out proudly, sticking your nose up in the air while putting your hands on your hips. He seemed to chuckle a little at your confidence.
      "F-Friends?" He asked curiously.
      "Yep! Friends! If that's okay with you."
      "I-I've never ha-had one of those bef-before."
      "Well, I'll guess I'll be your first friend then Kazu!"
      "K-Kazu?" He stuttered shyly.
      "It's a nickname, you give those to friends. I mean I could always just call you Kazuichi if you're uncomfortable with it." You offered looking at the ground and shuffling your hands.
      "N-No, I'm ok with it." He sighed, and stared at you in awe. Suddenly the bell rang. It echoed through your ears as you grabbed Kazuichi's hand, nudging him slightly.
      "C'mon, let's go to class together!" You smiled. His face was slightly dusted pink as you dragged him to class with you.

(End of Flashback)


      You approached the entrance of Hopes Peak nervously. Hopes Peak was a special school for the best of the best, and you were one of the best. You were Y/n L/n, the U/t! You deserved to be here! You approached the school slowly, but when you stepped on the boundry of the school, your vision started getting blurry and then faded to black.

      When you awoke, there was a fluffy white haired boy standing above you.
      "Hey, are you alright?" He asked in a worried tone. You quickly bolted up and looked around.
      'This isn't Hopes Peak?' You thought to yourself glancing around at the tropical island.
      "Where am I, and who are you?" You hissed at the boy, as he nervously backed up a little.
      "A-Ah, so quick to want an explanation! I'm Nagito Komaeda, the Ultimate Lucky Student!
      "Well I'm Y/n L/n, the U/t. And that really doesn't sound like much of a talent." You leered slyly.
      "Aha, yeah, it really isn't, is it?" He smiled weakly crossing his arms.
      "Anyways, where are we Komaeda?" You asked, still glancing around at the island.
      "Please, call me Nagito, and actually I don't know either Y/n. I'm actually a student just like you, all of us woke up here."
      "Yes, our other classmates are here too." He replied glancing back behind him. There was a group of exhausted students waking up behind him, and you kinda recognized one of them...


(Total: 735 Words)

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