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Y/N's POV:

Aside from myself and the man tied to the chair in front of me, the warehouse was empty. The heels of my red bottoms clicking against the floor echoed with each step I took. I had one thing on my mind, and I couldn't leave without doing it. 

He wasn't making it out of here alive.

I listened to his pleas, watching as tears spilled from his eyes and fell down his cheeks. I couldn't help but laugh at the sight, muttering a quick, "Pathetic." 

Marco, he was my right-hand man for years. I grew up with him and convinced my family to take him in with us when he was kicked from his home as a child. For him to betray me? To take advantage of my kindness and treat me like this, treat my daughter like this.

With my back turned toward him, I ran my thumb across the blade of my knife, insuring it was sharp enough for the task at hand. After feeling a sting and my own blood dripping down the blade, I bit back a grin. 

"I told you Y/N, I-I didn't do anything." 

I looked over my shoulder to see his head slouched, still trying to free himself from the ropes he was wrapped in, begging for his life once more, "Let me go." 

"I don't like liars Marco."

He groaned in pain, "Y/N." 

I dropped the knife. 

Without a second thought, I turned around and hit him. My fist met his chin over and over, and over again. The force of it all caused him to fall onto his back, but it wasn't enough, nothing would ever be enough. I bent down to his level, gripping the underside of his chin, forcing him to look me in the eyes as he continued to plead for his life.

I spit on him. 

"She didn't do anything to you, she was just a little girl. Why'd you do it?" I asked, waiting for his reply that never came, "Huh? I'm talking to you Marco, why did you hurt my little girl?" He didn't reply, the guilt likely getting to him, and the anger getting to me. 

I lifted him back up by the shirt he was wearing, letting the chair settle before picking the blade back up, bringing it his face and beginning to carve into it. His screams echoed the empty building. 

When I could no longer see his facial features, only blood, I stopped. Taking a step back to admire my work, asking Marco, "Anything you want to say to me? An apology for my daughter?" 


I pulled the silver pistol from my waistline, aiming it as his leg and pulling the trigger. 

He screamed in agony. 

"I'm going after your family and everyone you love, you're going to pay for what you did to my child you sick son of a bitch." I threatened, thoroughly enjoying the pain that I was causing him. It was nothing he didn't deserve. 

I punched him in the stomach once more, knocking him on his back again. I took a few steps forward, resting my foot against his neck, looking down at him as if he was nothing. 

He was nothing. 

Applying pressure, I began to talk down on him, "You're gonna feel the weight of my heel as I feel your skull crack beneath my shoe. You're nothing."

I aimed the cold piece of steel at his head, listening to him beg and plead, profusely apologizing upon realizing his life was about to be cut short, "I'm sorry Y/N, I'm sorry."

The warehouse doors suddenly opened, footsteps moving toward me, but I refused to move, he was dying today. The familiar scent of my ex-lover filled my senses, only furthering my anger. She had the audacity to speak to me, after everything that happened, "Lower your weapon Y/N." 

The sound of her gun clicking caught my attention, it was now ready to fire at any moment now. 

I looked over my shoulder at Ariana along with a minimum of 30 agents surrounding me, "He did this to our child Ariana. You should be right beside me getting revenge for our daughter." 

"This is not the right way to go about things Y/N, you know that. Drop your weapon and let him go, the law will get him, and we'll give you 24 hours to say your goodbyes and turn yourself in." 

"Are you being serious?"

My head snapped back to the body below me as he spoke, apologizing once more, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." 

Flashes of my daughters' lifeless body came into vision.

"Sorry won't bring her back."

Was the last thing I said before I pulled the trigger.

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