Chapter Three

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Y/N's POV:

I woke up from an unconscious state, my head spinning and vision blurred as I sat up, unbuckling my seatbelt. My door was caved in. A second thought didn't pass as I climbed through my broken windshield.

I slid down the wrecked hood, landing on my feet only to groan in pain.

The other car remained in its place, the driver nowhere to be seen in the moment. It wasn't until they spoke up from behind me that I noticed them.

"You're a wanted woman Ms. Saint, you're being hunted. Whether you turn yourself in peacefully or in a bag, you will return to us. You have 24 hours before a collector is sent. I suggest you say your goodbyes now." He ranted, pulling a knife from his pocket. "This is a message from The Creed." He said proudly, a smile plastered on his face as he ran a knife from one side of his neck to the other.

I watched as his body fell limp against the road, blood pooling from his neck.

My hand fell to grip my ribs that had gotten hit on impact, limping my way back home. I didn't want to pass out on the side of the road with nobody to find me so I called my sister.

After hearing my groan, she became protective and concerned, "Y/N what's wrong? Where are you?"

I gave her a quick and brief explanation and asked her to pick me up, I'd meet her as far as I could.

Blood dripped from the left side of my head, a bit getting in my eye which I tried to clean out as best as I could. I wasn't sure what was hurting or where my injuries laid, I was running off adrenaline.

It didn't take long for my sister to find me and help me inside of her car. I felt dizzy, my head leaning back to rest on the seat. I winced when she buckled my seatbelt.

"Floor it please." I whispered, wanting to clean up and relax as best as I could.

She did as I asked, speeding the entire way back to my house.

"Have you talked to Sebastian?" She questioned, helping me inside.

I laughed, there was no way she was serious about that, "No, I haven't, not since he went on a murder spree and killed our parents and nearly me. Have you?" She shook her head, "I heard his name when I was out this morning and it got my mind racing, I haven't talked to him since he was taken away in cuffs."

"Thank you for checking on me by the way, I appreciate it." I told her, wanting to change the subject. She gave me a confused look, "You're my little sister, of course I'm gonna check on you and care for you," she paused to give me a smile, "Even though you're a complete asswipe."

We shared a laugh as I took a seat, telling her, "I might've made a few enemies during our time away from each other, I thought it was left in my past, but apparently Enzio is hell bent on re-hatching that chapter."

Raven had her back towards me as she went to grab a frozen bag of peas for my head, "How do you know they're after you? You're really taking Enzio's word for it?"

I lifted the bag of frozen peas from my forehead, looking at my sister, "There was a guy, he gave me a speech and then lit himself on fire." I put the bag back in its original spot, "To answer your question, no, I'm not just taking his word for it."

"Who's after you?"

"The Creed."

A chill ran down my spine, spooking me once again at the mere mention of that name.

"The Creed?"

I nodded, knowing that I'd have to get into explaining everything since nobody really knows who they are. However, I didn't want to, I stood up and waddled my way to the bar to pour myself of a glass of liquor, "All you need to know is that it's a cult of me, except they're a lot worse. They've wiped out cities Raven, I assisted in murdering hundreds for them. The Creed is basically a cult derived of psychotic killers who think they're doing it for a higher power."

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