Off The Map

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"I'll just go there, okay?" Wendy extended her arm and pointed to the left direction from their site.

Irene nodded as a sign of confirmation. Wendy saw a cute squirrel and she has a special spot for squirrels!

The tree was not really that near, she knew the rules in camping with the scouts; never go too far, but the squirrel was just too cute to resist!

It was already six-thirty in the evening, and the sky was already orange. When she was already near the tree, she looked up and saw that the squirrel was still there on the branch.

She tried calling it, unfortunately, the squirrel was unbothered.

She had no choice but to give up and sit on the grass and look up at the orange sky instead.

How she loves school trips like this. It was exclusively for girl scouts and rover scouts of the school. They were here because a meteor shower would be tonight, and this mountain was the perfect place to view it.

She almost jumped when she felt something on her arm. She looked down and it was the squirrel, nudging its head on the skin of her hand.

"Aww. . ." She pet the little animal and glanced at her wrist watch. It's time to go!

She stood up and looked at all directions first, this part of the forest is eerily quiet. She began walking back to the campsite, sure of her directions.

Counting her steps and being aware of her surroundings, she was now confused why she hasn't arrived yet. It was now her thirtieth step and she was still not at the campsite.

"Eh?" She took three small steps backwards, "that was the tree," she looked around again, "and that was the rock," she looked up now, trying to think. "Or was it not?"

She looked at her watch again, only to see that it was already seven! The sky was already dark and there were no light posts in the area. She flickered her flashlight on, she knew Irene would not be so worried about her. This is her eighth year in being a girl scout so she already trusts her.

The forecast said the the meteor shower would start at ten in the evening!

"Yeah, the traffic's exemptionally heavy today." Mark reasoned out to the phone.

[It was not!] He heard Jackson in the background.

[You just left two hours late.] The line was choppy but it was clear to him that Jinyoung replied in monotone, a sign that he's pissed off.

"What? I would lose my winning streak if I would leave the game." He spat back as petty as he could be.

[Just bring the coffee on time.]

"Wow, I feel the love, bro." He sarcastically said and laughed out loud when the line ended.

It was already seven in the evening so he had to turn the flashlight in his phone on.

They have this sudden bonding activity to watch meteor showers, JB suggested it since it was their last year in high school.

They also assigned people in the group to bring things like blankets, food, tents, and Mark was in charge to bring the coffee.

A trail was intended for the hikers to not get lost, so Mark diligently followed it uphill, the thermos in one hand.

After walking for about thirty minutes, he saw someone pointing a flashlight blindly in all directions. The forest was close to pitch black so any source of light would catch anyone's attention.

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