Sig what the fuck.

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(Guys why do I ship Amitie with literally everyone in the magic school series.)
(But fuck that. Today is some
(Red) Amitie x Black Sig. or just Amitie x Sig. if we're really technical, and Yknow Seven years old. we'd call it like "Sig's Secret if I wrote it cutting out Arle and Ringo and literally any semblance of the plot." or something cringe shit like that)
(But yeah, Black Sig is kind of unsettling as fuck, and he emotes a lot more.)
(Lidelle is also a semi useful character because I really love her and I think she needs relevancy.)
(Can't write Klug relevancy without making it Ayacentered so he isn't relevant???)

(So, I guess that sets the scene.)

(Warnings - Violence, Mild Language(? Duh.), Child Suffering (duh.), probably what can be considered sexual harassment.)

Amitie's classes went without problems. Save for them all being confusing. Seriously, how do people chain Puyo so good?!

It didn't occur to her that Sig wasnt present. His chair empty, with a note on it.

It wasn't meaningful to her, but she thought it was pretty. Curiosity got the best of her, so she went and read it.

But she didn't, as her teacher quickly took it from under her. "Miss Amitie...snooping in someone else's business is bad. Even if he isn't present, you should respect Sig's privacy."

Amitie hung her head down in sadness, her lips saying she's sorry, but nothing more than sad little mumbles came out of her. "At..I.." she quietly mumbled.

As she took a seat, she waited for class to release. It felt like ages...but eventually, the bell rung, and she ran out faster than she ever would. In the dash, she bumped into Lidelle. "Ah! Oh! Sorry! I didn't see ya there, Lidelle!" She laughed it off.

Lidelle fumbled her sleeves. "Oh- hi Ami. Um...Remember Sig? I- uh- he gave me a letter...or something..he was kind Like, he looked a lot more he siick?" She asked, her voice shaking.  

Amitie cocked her head. "eh? A letter? He's pale? Can you read it..? Is he in trouble?" Amitie continued with her questions as Lidelle got a small envelope with a butterfly seal. She opened the letter up.


" 'I don't feel well. Please come to the ruins. It'll be good for the two of us. Probably.' ...I don't even see his name signed here....but I remember he gave it to me!" Lidelle nods. "Do you think he'll be...that he..."

Amitie gave a reassuring smile. "Don't worry! I'll go figure out whatever's going on...okay? I'll make sure Sig is A-Okay!"

As Amitie began to leave, Lidelle latched onto her. "No- no wait!" She stammered, before asserting her confidence. "I-I'll come with you! In case you get overwhelmed."

Amitie smiles brightly, as she took Lidelle's sleeve in a more formal fashion, before it became more carefree as she made a beeline for the Ruins. It helped especially that Sig left a map according to Lidelle.

Eventually, the two arrived. When they got there, Sig was...unusual. To say the least. Gone was his cyan hair, and his more childish aura. Replacing it was a theme of navy. All navy. The childish carefree boy, now an unsure, terrified one. "..Amitie...? Lidelle...?"

Amitie blinked. "Oh...Sig, that's a really cool Halloween costume! I was almost fooled that you were in danger! Haha!" She giggled, pointing. "Really nicely done! It looks demonic!"

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