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 📍India 📸 Blaise

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📸 Blaise

Cette chanson c'est tout nous Mione'

Time, it needs time
To win back your love again
I will be there
I will be there
Love, only love
Can bring back your love someday
I will be there
I will be there
Fight, babe, I'll fight
To win back your love again
I will be there
I will be there
Only love
Can break down the wall someday
I will be there
I will be there
If we'd go again
All the way from the start
I would try to change
Things that killed our love
Your pride has built a wall, so strong
That I can't get through
Is there really no chance
To start once again
I'm loving you
Baby try
To trust in my love again
I will be there
I will be there
Love, our love
Shouldn't be thrown away
I will be there
I will be there
If we'd go again
All the way from the start
I would try to change
Things that killed our love
Your pride has built a wall, so strong
That I can't get through
Is there really no chance
To start once again
If we'd go again
All the way from the start
I would try to change
Things that killed our love
Yes, I've hurt your pride, and I know
What you've been through
You should give me a chance
This can't be the end
I'm still loving you
I'm still loving you
I'm still loving you
I need your love
I'm still loving you
Still loving you baby
I'm still loving you
I need your love
I'm still loving you
I need your love
I need your love
I need your love
Still loving you


Du temps, il faut du temps
Time, it needs time

Pour regagner ton amour
To win back your love again

je serai la
I will be there

je serai la
I will be there

L'amour, seulement l'amour
Love, only love

Peut ramener ton amour un jour
Can bring back your love someday

je serai la
I will be there

je serai la
I will be there
Lutte, bébé, je vais me battre
Fight, babe, I'll fight

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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