Chapter 13 (EDITED)

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"So Payton do you have anything to say," he asks. 

Being the idiot that I am I stay quiet. Shocked at his assumption I finally gain the courage to speak
"How did you know"
Chuckling he replies "well you can just say I know these things and trust me it's not just because while I was taking your bag to your room I accidentally dropped it and saw some prenatal vitamins" he winks
"Aha umm I'm pregnant" I confess.
"Omg!!!! YAAAAY. How far along are you? Can I touch it? The belly I mean! He squeals while jumping up to sit next to be. Dumbfounded by his reaction all I can mutter is a huh making me sound like an idiot.
" Oh relax, I don't swing that way anyways" he winks.
"Wait so you mean-"
"Yes I'm gay, shocker I know"
"Ya it is actually quite shocking"
"Alright enough with all the boring crap let me touch that belly" he demands
Oh god what have I gotten myself into
Life has been great. It's been 2 months since that weird moment with Clay. But so far there have been no problems. Clay is like a big brother to be, he's so overprotective of me and my baby it's actually beginning to get very annoying. I've also gone to the doctor with Clay of course because he's more excited about this pregnancy than me! Anyways the appointment went great but sadly we couldn't find out the sex of the baby. The little rascal doesn't want us to know. It's hard though. Not having them here with me. Looking back I really do wish that it had worked out with us. But sadly it didn't, and here I am alone with Clay and the baby of course and there back there with her. The girl who with just one word snatched them from me. The girl who I thought to be my best friend. Alas I misjudged, her and because of that I am here today. Payton stop I tell myself. Stop reminiscing in what could have been. You have now, you have clay and the baby. You can change, you can prove everybody wrong. You are strong, brave, independent and you are amazing. And with that I was up. I can do this. With or without them. This is my baby and I will give it enough love for all of us. And well Clay too.

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