Chapter 2

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Haven sat in her hard plastic chair, surrounded by a sea of hopeful children and their equally hopeful parents. She instinctively drew her shoulders in, unwilling to acknowledge how uncomfortable she was. Her mother's grip on her arm was cutting off her circulation. As she wrenched her arm away, she could almost feel her mother's scowl.

Haven's father was at home, refusing to come after the argument he had had with his wife. This is a really important day for me! That is what she wanted to yell as she left the house. Could you stop thinking of yourself for long enough to actually care about me and have a good influence on my life?! Of course, she didn't say that. She didn't want to give her parents the satisfaction of knowing how much she wanted a real and good relationship with them. Haven wasn't weak.

Her mother sighed as yet another child got handed their bid. Haven could tell she was disappointed. She has set her expectations too high, she thought to herself. As if I am ever going to get three bids like she did!

Haven wasn't a stupid girl. She listened and did well in school. She just didn't really get along with anybody. Whether it was her abrasive personality, her androgynous fashion sense or her wacky interests, she did not know. All she understood was that she was the kind of girl that people didn't like, and she was okay with that.

"I told you not to wear that shirt!" her mother whispered into her ear.

Haven's jaw clenched. Though she did wear and enjoy dresses and skirts, she liked her black button-up because it expressed who she was more than anything else.

"Sir Cornelius Winter of the Folklore Bakery presents his bid to Miss Kyren Strathford."

Another round of applause as a hopeful child ran forward to collect their bid. Haven flinched as he mother reached around and rearranged her hair, leaving it so it covered her cheek. "People are staring."

That was true. Most of the families sitting around them had cast glances at the long white scar on the young girl's cheek. Each time somebody had payed attention to her disfigurement, Haven had sent a death glare their way, much to the disdain of her mother.

"Lady Kimiko Sousuke of the Wundrous Society presents her bid to Miss Skye Helmer."

Haven's gaze singled in on the girl in question. She was extremely pretty, with flawless pale skin and white-blonde hair in cloud-like space buns. Her crystalline blue eyes widened as what looked like her father nudged her into sight. She gave her head a little shake before flouncing forward with the posture of a dancer. The skirt of her baby blue layered dress bounced as she accepted her bid and sent a megawatt smile towards the crowd, receiving raucous applause.

Haven's mind started doing it's signature trick. I wonder what her knack is? Probably something arcane, with celestial sort of energy. No wings, though. For the first time in years, Haven was stuck.

Haven gritted her teeth as her mother bristled beside her. She could tell that the Minister was getting to the bottom of the barrel. Pulling out the next sheet, he cleared his throat.

"Captain Nyx McCartney of the Wundrous Society presents her bid for..." He faltered for a moment, before continuing. "Mx Haven Solstice."

Haven's first thought was triumphant. She had succeeded in changing her honorific on so many of her platforms that society considered her as genderfluid! It took her a moment to realise that her mother had jabbed her in the ribs.

"Get up there," she seethed. "We'll talk about that honorific later."

Haven stood, stalking past her mother. Mustering all of her confidence, she broke the empty silence with the steady tap, tap, tap of her boots. Bowing her head slightly, she accepted the paper and went back to her seat. Trying to look disinterested, she picked at her fingers while avoiding her mother's eye. She was actually going to have a chance to compete in the Wundrous Trials!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2020 ⏰

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