Poetry in Potions

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Arlyn awoke by the ruffling of feathers beside her head. Opening one eye, she hazily recognized Duke Owlington sitting on the pillow on the other side of the bed. With a soft yawn, she snuggled into her pillow to snooze another twenty minutes or so... only to catch a whiff of something putrid.

With a frown and scrunched nose, she opened her eyes and to her utter horror, saw the remains of a dead possum in her bed.

"Bloody hell?!" She shrieked and nearly fell out of bed.

Duke Owlington ruffled his feathers with a nonchalant hoot and avoided making eye contact with her.

"Payback for last night?" Arlyn hissed, "Why you...!"

She made a grab for her owl, who dodged her by an inch before flying out the window. Arlyn could swear she heard him cackling maniacally at his success.

"You better fly away if you know what's good for you!" She called after him, swearing that she'll personally cook him if he so much as showed his beak around her that day.

Well, it seemed as if her first day started off... rottenly.

The Great Hall was buzzing as usual once Arlyn took her previous seat beside Severus Snape. She was a few minutes later than she had originally planned, thanks to a certain owl who left her a dead possum to dispose of.

"Morning." She greeted her colleague before frantically searching the table for something, "Merlin, where's the coffee..."

Severus didn't bother returning her greeting and only quirked a brow at what she was wearing once again; a bright yellow, long-sleeved dress that reached above her knees, the same rainbow-coloured scarf as the previous night, a pair of dark blue t...

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Severus didn't bother returning her greeting and only quirked a brow at what she was wearing once again; a bright yellow, long-sleeved dress that reached above her knees, the same rainbow-coloured scarf as the previous night, a pair of dark blue tights, and a ribbon of the same colour in her hair to keep her messy updo together. And was that her wand she used as a hair stick?

If he didn't know any better, he would've thought Pomona had dressed her. Or better, Trelawney.

Dumbledore chose that moment to take the seat on Arlyn's right, his robes glittering in the rays of sun seeping through the large windows, "Good morning, Arlyn. I hope you had a peaceful evening."

Arlyn looked at him over the rim of her cup - she couldn't find any coffee and had to settle for camomile tea instead. She nodded before replying, "As peaceful as it can be with a sarcastic and arrogant owl as mine. I do love my room, though, especially the little touch in the ceiling."

"That would be my idea." Dumbledore grinned, "Professor Flitwick had the most say in it, though. Back to the reason why I joined you..." he shifted in his seat to face her fully, "I have already held a staff meeting a week prior to the start of the term, but Severus kindly jotted down the topics of importance for you to take notice of." Albus handed her a piece of parchment with cramped and wispy handwriting.

Kindly? Severus scoffed, dying to retort with 'kindly my arse'. The headmaster insisted he'd take note of everything the staff discussed. Of course, he only found out for whom he was writing it down at the end of the meeting.

Arlyn Quinn and the Lost Girl -* A Severus Snape Fanfic *-Where stories live. Discover now