Chapter one - Meeting

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Akaashi didn't have a preference when it came to cafes, he would go wherever he was closest to at that moment or wherever had a good deal going on their strong coffees. He didn't care much for the fancy drinks either, all he needed from his coffee was the caffeine. His office job required frequent meetings but this was an unofficial gathering with his coworkers to discuss upcoming sales pitches and the like. While Akashi was running late he was wondering if anyone would ever invite him to hang out outside of work, Akashi was an incredibly kind and caring person, sometimes even too kind, but he always wore a cold expression on his face. People were easily intimidated by his demeanor and often left no time for really getting to know the sweet man.

He walked towards the cafe, glancing up at the sign above the door 'Fukurodani' it read, a sweet name for such a cozy place. As he stepped inside he took in the scent of strong coffee, the wrath of the small cafe and, as he looked around, the wood cloaked walls. He spotted his workmates, sitting at the farthest table, with drinks already in hand. He walked up to the counter to get a coffee of his own, he stood, waiting for around thirty seconds, resisting his order for the strongest c they had until he was startled by a head popping up from seemingly nowhere. After he quickly calmed himself he looked at the barista that had appeared, before him stood the most beautiful man he had ever seen. Akaashi stared at the man, admiring his black and white hair, ogling at his golden, owl like eyes, taking in the joyful smile on his face...

" can I help you?...."

Akaashi snapped back to reality, realizing that he was staring for about 20 seconds, he blushed, embarrassed. The beautiful man saw Akaashi's face redden and felt heat rush to his own cheeks.

"Kghmm.." he cleared his throat. "What can I get you today?" He said with genuine enthusiasm.

"Oh sorry..." akaashi said, panicking

He had completely forgotten his order and was fumbling for something to say.

"Can I have... whatever you recommend..." he looked at the barista's name tag. "Bokuto?..."

Bokuto looked puzzled for a moment then glanced down to where Akaashi was still staring.

"Oh right... the name tag." He mumbles softly.

He shifted his gaze back up to Akaashi.

"Heh...Sorry I'm pretty new here and am still getting used to the name tags." He said apologetically, closing his eyes with a nervous smile.

This made the already red Akaashi blush even harder.

"You want what I recommend..?" Bokuto repeated.

"Mmhmm" Akaashi nodded in response.

Bokuto Processed this for a moment, then his face lit up, a wide grin setting on his face. Akashi wondered what he was thinking with a mischievous smile like that. Although seemingly troublesome the expression was cheerful and brought the whispers of a smile to even Akaashi's cold glare.

"I will have one such thing ready for you in a moment..." Bokuto said kindly, finishing the sentence with a drag, waiting expectantly.

"Akaashi" Akashi filled in.

A sweet smile placed itself on Bokuto's lips for a moment. 'Akaashi..' he thought. 'A pretty name for a pretty man.'

"Well 'Akashi' if you would kindly wait there for just a moment, I have the perfect thing in mind." Bokuto's eyes twinkled as he delivered the line,

He excitedly whisked himself away moving swiftly between machines, creating something magical. Akaashi watched in awe as Bokuto glided mesmerizingly, with purpose in each movement. Akaashi placed his head on his arm which was already resting on the counter, he gazed at Bokuto, wanting to watch him forever. But before lying Bokuto was standing on the other side of the counter, sliding a steaming cup towards Akaashi.

"I think this is what you were looking for" he said happily, his bright smile growing even wider by the second.

Akaashi snapped out of his trance once more, trying his best to smile back at Bokuto.

"Thank you, Bokuto." He said, as calmly as possible with a slight bow.
Sorry for bad spelling or errors, first thing I've written :)
Hope you have a great day/night :)

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