The Deadly Siren pt.1

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No matter how fast you ran, you could still here it behind you. It's sirens whaling out a traumatizing, glitch filled cry. The sound of everyone you loved was heard from it.


You could here it catching up, it's sirens getting louder and louder. It's steps shaking the trees around you. It was close but you didn't bother looking back, afraid of what you just might see behind.



A dead end...there's nothing but a boulder in your heard it say your name as a glitch filled voice that sounded like your mom's. "[•¥/π °], [•¥/π °],[•¥/π °]...."

It got closer and closer, until...

"(Y/N) WAKE UP!"

You jolt awake and look around only to find your mother with her hand on your shoulder.

"(Y/n) come on it's time for breakfast and your not going to stay in your room all day!"

ok, ok, I'm coming. What are we having for breakfast anyways?

"Your favorite (F/f) and to drink (F/d). Doesn't that sound good?" She said with a cheeky smile.

What's the catch? You knew there was, because she usually gives you cereal or something normally done without to much work.

She gasped. "Why would there be a catch, I just wanted make something special. Also you and your sister had that big fight so I was just thinking..."

I knew it!

"What two need to bond, so go eat, get washed up, and start packing, because y'all going camping!

What!? I don't wanna go with that...that...bic-

" Watch your language or I'll make you two stay in the same bedroom!! "

That shut you up real quick. Just the thought of staying in the same room with her made you sick to your stomach.

Alright, alright, I'm sorry. I'll go on the camping trip.

"Ha, like you had a choice! Now you two will be going to " Shiny Creek."A lovely spot, really!"

Wait, what do you mean "you two" ? Aren't you and dad coming!?

"Nope, this is a time for you two to bond and get closer."

If she gets any closer to me I might just drop dead. You said to yourself not wanting to make your mom mad again.

"Now get ready and come eat, we don't have any time to waste!"

[Time skip...]

You got all ready and went to go eat. You weren't wearing anything serious, just your (F/c) jacket with animal prints and some jeans.
But when you went down stairs however...your sister like always was showing to impress. There she was all dolled up with her expensive clothes putting on lip gloss. You rolled your eyes and put your bags by the door. Then went to take a seat on the opposite side of her. You didn't even bother to look at her, you just ate and kept your thoughts to your self, but of course she couldn't..

"So (Y/n), you think that monster is going eat you while we're out there, because is so I'll pay to see that. " She said with a smirk.

Brittany, Leave me alone or I'll- 

"You'll what, summon the big bad monster siren thing!?" She said flaring her arms in the air.

You were about to pop off until..

"Brittany leave your sister alone before your grounded for the rest of the camping trip and that means you'll be sharing a room with her. " Your dad spoke up from the hallway. He hears everything, no matter where you are in the house.

"Fine, whatever I was just saying." She rolled her eyes and ate her breakfast and so did you.

When you both finished eating, y'all got your stuff and started to the car. Your dad put yall stuff in the trunk and got in ready to go. 
Your sister was already in the passenger side and ready as well.

"Have a nice trip and don't kill each other..." Your mom said hugging you.

I'll try.You said hugging her back. 

But little did you know...something was going to do that for you...

(708 words)

[Wow you made it to the end of part one! Great for you.
I hope you enjoyed it and as always stay tuned and stay        safe ❤❤!]

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