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A voice wailed in Blizzard's ear, muffled by the whistling of the icy wind. His paws ached, and his whole body felt frozen cold. He shivered and struggled up onto all four paws, the pain unbearable. Scratches and gashes covered his body in blotches, blood matted to his grey and white fur. He padded up the steep mountain trail, his pads numb to the painful sharp stones, under paw. His claws ached and his belly grumbled loudly. He hadn't eaten in days, and he had lost scent of his pack while traveling to find a new home. He glanced up at the stars in the indigo sky, and closed his eyes. "Skypack, please guide me, which way should I go?" he whispered, just loud enough for himself to hear.
Suddenly, he caught a fresh, familiar scent, as it drifted by his snout through the breeze.

"Eclipse!" He turned his head towards the direction it came from. Just down the mountain lay a dark rushing river, and lumbering waterfall, he could see a flicker of shadows in the forest on the other side. As quickly as he had seen it, it had vanished. "Wait for me!" he called, running, before doing a far leap across the wide waterbed. His paws landing on soft, moist dirt, just a few tail-lengths from the riverbed. He huffed, in exhaustion, and padded forward, rushing through a large tangle of brambles. "Ack!" he barked, startled.
He squeezed through to the other side of the brambles, where a large clearing lay, in an almost perfect circle, in between the rest of the leafy forest. Around the clearing, was littered with medium sized rocks, and moss, growing like pelts over the gray, rocky, clearing border. His eyes fixed on a shadow, just in the near distance, It looked like another wolf! "Eclipse!?" he called out, his voice rasping as he noticed how dry his throat was. He continued forward, through the clearing, towards a dry dirt path leading through the trees, away from the clearing. He passed a small pool, in a very hollow dip in a large rock. Water trickled through a hole between the rocks above, slowly filling the pool up. Blizzard let his dry, hot tongue flop into the pool, and he lapped up a few large mouthfuls. Feeling satisfied, he lifted his head, and peered into the direction he saw the shadows, suddenly, a black shadow came racing toward him, moonlight shone off its pelt s it got closer. Blizzard jumped to his paws and crouched into the fighting position, his claws ready, and teeth bared. "Get BACK!" he let out a snarl as the shadow got closer, and all of a sudden, he found himself locked in a rolling ball, of teeth and claws.
Blizzard bit down hard on what he could sense was fur and flesh. He heard a yelp, and another snarl, and felt sharp claws rake his belly. "Ahh! get off of me!!!" he yowled, in pain, anger filling his entire mind, and vision, he lunged forward, claws and teeth out. He felt his claws pierce flesh, and he felt the neck of his enemy between his teeth, he clamped down hard, and the world around him faded to red.'

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