A trip to target and a resterant

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"Oh look at this bakugou" kiri said picking up some clothing "oh wow kiri we can't buy all of those you know" bakugou said "I know but look at them their so cool and manly" kiri said putting a few back "daddy?" Deku said quietly "hm?" Baku said turning to look at him "what's up buddy" "mmm" Deku Whined "what?" Bakugou said kissing his forehead deku didn't say anything "do you need something hunny?" Baku said sweetly deku still didn't say anything so bakugou let it go and they made their way to the book section "why are we in the book section kiri?" Baku asked looking around "oh yah I just wanted to see if they had a book that I've been seeing other people reading i wanted to see what it was about" Deku looked at all the colorful books and was mesmerized by a little book with a bunch of swirls on it "dada!" Deku said doing grabby hands to the book "what? do you want the book? what do you say?" Kiri said holding the book in the air "pwwwwwwweeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssee"
Deku said squeezing his eyes shut bakugou and kiri laughed and kiri gave deku the book "fanku dada" deku said pulling his knees to his chest and opened the book "daddy wook" deku said showing bakugou a picture of a super colorful cat "oh my goodness that's allot of colors" bakugou said kissing his head
After walking around some more the reached the toy section "I get owt pwease" deku said "um sure but stay by me and daddy ok?" Kiri said picking up deku "otay" deku said and kiri put him down kiri and bakugou just followed closely behind deku while he roomed the toy aisles "dis?" Deku said pointing to a puppy stuffie "do you want that?" Kiri said "Noe I wan dat" deku said putting the stuffie back and walked a few feet "dis?" Deku asked pointing to an adorable little elephant

"Oh look at this bakugou" kiri said picking up some clothing "oh wow kiri we can't buy all of those you know" bakugou said "I know but look at them their so cool and manly" kiri said putting a few back "daddy?" Deku said quietly "hm?" Baku said tu...

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"oh that's so cute" kiri said petting the stuffie "do you want that?" Kiri said picking up the elephant "Noe" he said continuing to walk down the isle "baby how about you look at some more things and tell us when you want something ok?" Bakugou said checking his phone "otay daddy" he said skipping further down the isle "not to far ok we need to still see you" kiri said "otay" deku said walking slowly "not that slow silly goose" kiri said rolling his eyes sarcastically "bakugou what's the time" kiri said leaning on his shoulder "oh we have 30 minutes left"

my mom got out the Halloween decorations and there was a purple sparkly cape and I was in little space running around the house screaming "WEEEEEEEEEEEE" intill my mom told me to stop so now I'm in my room just sitting and Hugging the cape
Ok sorry back to the story

"Oh really well we should probably think about rapping this up and heading to Olive Garden" kiri said turning his head and kissing bakugou "yah hey ba-" bakugou said looking up "weres the baby?!?" Baku said looking everywhere "um I have no clue" kiri said walking to the end of the isle "bunny?!?" Kiri called "deku!!!!" Baku screamed but he was know where to be seen "IZUKU MIDORIA COME HERE NOW" bakugou and kiri said together but there was no answer people were staring at them and whispering "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS LOOKING AT" bakugou said with boom boom hands "bakugou chill it's ok we're going to find him ok breathe" kiri said stopping his "excuse us carry on" kiri apologized to the people he was about to murder "come on he couldn't have gone far" kiri said holding Baku to make sure he didn't annihilate someone "zuzu hunny were are you!" Kiri called "KACHAN!!!!!" deku called in distress "oh hell no let me go" bakugou said pushing away from kiri "please don't kill someone" Kiri called running after bakugou "DEKU WHERE ARE YOU" he called "I'm right here deku said walking out of an isle " where were you!" Bakugou asked kissing him "get off of me I went to see the allmight stuff" deku said holding up an allmight phone case "o-oh well you still didn't tell us we're you went" bakugou said extinguishing his boom boom hands "I didn't have to tell you were I was I wasn't *pause* little" he said little softly "we'll still it scared me you can't do that" bakugou said with tears in his eyes "babe it's ok he slipped out of his headspace it's ok" kiri said "come on let's pay for our items and go so we're not late "and also what's wrong why are you acting so mad hunny?" Kiri asked deku "they didn't have the allmight pop sockets it stock" he said crossing his arms "oh I'm sorry but at least you have the phone case right?" Kiri said trying to think of the bright side "yah it doesn't help that's I'm starving too" deku said grabbing kiri's hand "yah I know we're going to check out and go to Olive Garden with momo and jiro" kiri said as he walked behind bakugou "oh really?" Deku said surprised "that's going to be so fun" deku smiled and skipped while holding kiri's hand
After they cheacked everything out they walked out of the store and started heading to the car "hold my hand" kiri said holding out his hand for deku "ok" deku said holding kiri's hand and they walked to their car bakugou put all the things into the car at this point deku had slipped slightly and was hugging his lovey

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