Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 

Aki's P.O.V 

When I woke up again, I was in a deal of pain. It hurt more than before. What happened again? Oh yeah, Ichirou-san and Ishida-san were in my hospital room. They kidnapped me, didn't they? Where did they take me? I looked around in the dark room and noticed that every little sound echoed. As soon as my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I noticed I was in the school gym. I also just happened to notice that I'm all tied up and inside one of those red circles that we found in the papers of Shichirou's. So he plans on sacrificing me to whatever's in this school? Great... I wish Shichirou were here, so he could've gone to Masako and told her where to find me. I hope they find me soon. I heard a hushed conversation going on but I couldn't hear what was being said because everything was echoing off the walls. Honestly, it was starting to give me a headache. I knew that it was Ichirou-san and Ishida-san talking. It sounded like Ishida-san was upset with Ichirou-san and Ichirou-san sounded frustrated. If Ishida-san keeps going like this, Ichirou-san might kill him too. I guess kidnapping me wasn't a part of the plan. I wonder what they're going to do now. It was obvious they were still going to sacrifice me, but what were they going to do after that? I guess they already have a plan of escape. Ichirou-san and Ishida-san came closer to where I was and I could suddenly hear their conversation very clearly. "Sir, this isn't a good idea. What if we get caught? We'll also be charged for kidnapping!" Ishida-san said clearly upset, like I guessed. Ichirou-san snarled at him. 

"Ishida! Calm down! We are not going to get caught. Besides, I have a plan if someone tries to interrupt us again." Ichirou-san said with a nasty look on his face. I don't like the sound of that. Funny thing is that neither of them noticed that I was awake yet. After what seemed like ten minutes, Ichirou-san spoke again. "Enough of this, let's get started." Ishida-san nodded, reluctantly. 

Back with the others 

Back at the hospital, Masako, Yasu, and Mai had just arrived. After hearing the news, Mai and Masako went to tears and Yasu was feeling upset. The room was quiet except for the small sobs from the girls. "Where do you think they took her?" John asked. It was a question they all wanted to know the answer to. 

"Well, we have four options: Ishida's house, Ichirou's house, the school, and the storage unit rented by Ishida." Detective Fujiwara said after a long silence. He felt horrible for letting this all happen without his noticing. The men guarding the back entrance were knocked out too. He'd been in the force for 14 years now and he let someone get kidnapped right under his nose. "I'll call in some back up and have them search their homes and the storage unit." 

"Then Yasu, Masako, Ayako, and I will go check out the storage unit." Mai said determined. She wanted her friend back safe and unharmed. Naru wanted to object to it, but he knew it was no use. 

"Alright, then John and I will go to the school." Monk said feeling a little better knowing he was doing something. 

"Hang on, I'll come with you and bring a few men too." Detective Fujiwara said pulling out his phone. "Let's make sure you all have my number and then I'll call in the back up." Everyone nodded to this. 

"And, Naru, we'll keep you and Lin updated." Mai said, knowing he'll want updates. Mai was happy to see Lin awake, but he looked really troubled. She wanted to ask him what was wrong, but then she thought, he must be upset about Aki being kidnapped too. He seemed to have gotten pretty close to Aki and Mai noticed that Naru had too. Mai knew Aki didn't like Naru like that. She noticed that they way they acted towards each other, they were like siblings and she thought it was funny to see Naru react the way he does. She couldn't say the same thing for Masako though, but right now wasn't a good time to think about this. Naru nodded, distractedly. 

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